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Tropheus and height


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Just wondering - I know I need the biggest tank possible for Tropheus - but do they use the full height of the tank? I am keen on possibly trying my hand at some soon (and actually going through with it instead of chickening out)

Problem is, ATM I can't have a 2' high tank - my available tanks are 16" high only, which I find great for breeding Malawi's, but how about Tropheus?

Oh, and is there a good site for learning what varients are here in Australia and available in the intermediate price range (sorry Nigel but imports and wild caughts are still a bit pricey for this first timer)

Feel free to PM with availabilities, but don't expect too much from me in sales today as I wont have the tank ready for 4-6 weeks rolleyes.gif

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No problem Ducky I am a bit disappointed though sad.gif If you want the best and cheapest Tropheus then Jim is the one and all are F1s. As for hight its not a worry they like width so as long as its at least 18" wide that will be good enough.

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Maybe next time Nigel wink.gif

Or if I can't find anything suitable maybe some imports will tempt me LOL.gif

ps. As a side issue I noticed while searching for tropheus on this forum. We need an EXACT match feature, so i don't have to wade through all the breeders entries with Pseudotropheus.

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Cool banana's Ged.

I know there was a patch for it on older versions of this software. Not sure if this is compatible with the newer version, o if the patch has been updated, but I installed it on another forum a couple of years back so I am pretty sure there is something about which will fit the bill.

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Talking direct with Aline I get too easily side-tracked. This way she has to stay on topic or risk deletion. woot.gif But yep, my question is pretty well answered about height I think.

Would love to know exactly (or roughly) what is currently available in Australia though. Anybody know a location of a fairly accurate list?

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I dont know of a list of whats available. Maybe people could post up what they have here.

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Hi Dusksta!

Good to see u joining the Tropheus gang! You will find endless days of enjoyment out of keeping them!

I wanted to get a custom made tank that was 30 inch high but i was told height is not important for Tropheus. It is also a bummer to clean and catch the fish! I thought the length of the tank was the most important - 6 foot being ideal. Since the dominant males will like to claim territory along the stretch of the tank. Also more room for subdominants to swim away from the aggressor!

After years of scouring the earth for any traces of Tropheus i can only recommend Jim for a good source of tropheus.

What is available includes:

- Tropheus Duboisi

- Ikola

- Kiriza 2

- Moliro

- Ilangi

- Bulu point

- Mpulungu

- Nkonde yellow

- Chipimbi.

For more exotic tropheus u will need to contact importers such as Nigel. Some LFS have a list of Tropheus they can get in for u but they r usually on the expensive side.

If u r really keen, why not import some good quality F1 which r more exotic via Nigel. His prices r pretty reasonable, much less than most LFS!



Ps. Give me a bell when u get things set up. I might have some cheap tropheus for sale.

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Hey guys .

Glad your thinking about joining the Tropheus club Ducky hug.gif

They are a very misunderstood species IMO

It is not rocket science keeping and breeding these fish like most would be led to beleive.

I have found that tank size is not really that important !

Water quality is woot.gif

My peferred size of tank is 5x18x18 with about 20 to 30 fish .

Again this is my opinion,others may differ shock.gif

I have bred them in a 3x18x18 with no trouble either.

My routine is weekly 30% waterchanges..........and i only feed OSI spirinula,with ziccini once a week .

I have never had a bloat issue thumbup.gif

(maybe aggresion issues sometimes ,but they sort it out themselves )

Cheers Kevin

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Good luck with the Trophs Duck. I agree with Tiger, keeping them aint rocket science as long as their water is kept nice and other things that you will no doubt find out in your travels. I also agree with the Jim connection. His fish are the best around. You'll love these little guys, they're tops.


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OK, to help people narrow it down some, I am drawn to the Black and Red combination fishes. And I have been browsing a few. Unfortunately alot of pics I have found online just say 'Tropheus'

Not sure if alot of varients look similar so its hard to decide.

What red/black type Tropheus are around?

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Hi Ducky,

Mine use the full height of whatever tank they are in ...but my tanks are rocked all the way to the top. They graze on the algae in only a few cms. of water.

Andrea smile.gif

PS> Dave...*slap* LOL.gifhug.gif

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Go to cichlid forums and have a look at their profiles. The have heaps of fish there and they are labeled with their full names.

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The Tropheus sp. black around are Ikola, Kiriza, Bemba and Bulu Point. The reds around are Moliro, Chipimbi and I think Dave used to have some Lupotas. Another member has Kachese and BengaBoy used to have Chimbas. Dave and Aline have beautiful red colonies. Jim has a great colony of Ikolas and I'm sure you know about Craig's Ikolas. If other members could add to the list that would be great.

Sorry Dave if you have mentioned these fish already.

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Colfish is right, the blacks can have black moods but if they are kept in large numbers in a decent sized tank they're sweet. It must be said though that Tropheus are by no means peaceful fish and therefore there is a risk of excessive aggression with any type of Tropheus. Most times their aggression, like with other fish is a bluff and all part of their colony dynamic.

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Great info guys. The rough lists of what is here is amazing helpful as it helps narrow down the search dramatically smile.gif

As for looking at profiles on cichlid forum etc Josh, have done, but couldn't seem to get excited not knowing if I could afford it or not woot.gif

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I am sure you will be able to handle there aggression Ducky. I have confidence in your ability don't worry just go for it. LOL.gif The only advice I can give is buy as many of them as you can. woot.gif If you are really game enough buy Brichardi any morph will do. LOL.gif

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if u want cheaper black sp. buy the Tropheus Bemba. The cheaper red species would be Tropheus Moliro.

If u want to keep a black and red species in one tank i would recommend a 6 by 2 by 2 tank. I keep 30 Moliros and 10 Kirizas in a 4 by 2 by 2 tank and i do see a lot more aggression solely because there isn't enough territory for them to develop a "harmonious" existence with one another. Saying that, the dominant fish of each species rarely have direct attacks on one another. Bear in mind, one species/variant may become the subdominant species and may not show their best colours or breed as well as they should be. However, u will just need to experiment a bit and see what happens, each colony is unique and might work for u!

Just ignore Nigel LOL.gif ....he is trying to get u to keep the most notoriously difficult tropheus variant in terms of aggression but maybe u r up to the challenge!!!

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Hey hey,

I went to respond to this today at work and was booted off the computer so I am now finally home again and will try again dry.gif .

Question about length and height asked and answered in other posts - approx 2 metre territory in the wild so 4-6 foot tank works for me. Go over the top with filtration and the water changes must be regular.

I have no doubt Ducksta, that you will have no problem at all smile.gif no different to demasoni IMO just different lake LOL.gif .

The species black I have noticed just mature a little slower than the red smile.gif. Matthew has answered your PM I think, in regard to available fry dntknw.gif .

Speak soon.


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go on you know you want to bigsmile.gif

user posted image

Tropheus sp. "Black" (Siyeswe)

they where sold to me as Kirschfleck

i may have to part with mine at the end of the year cryblow.gif

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