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Another successful spawn


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And you thought I was talking about fish right? LOL.gif

My wife Jodie gave birth to a son today, Charlie Austin Barrett smile.gif

He's not exactly tiny, weighing in at 3.8kg (8lb 6.5) and is 51.5cm long.

I'd have a picture to share but the camera is still at the hospital blush.gif

Jodie and Charlie are both doing well, and Maddy is incredibly excited to be a big sister thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

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Hey man only one in the spawn. wub.gif Your losing your touch.Now i know why u whated more for your flavus!!!!!! to feed the new spawn. clap.gif Good luck to u both John thumb.gif Hey Andy have u lost touch with the world, more like 12years, thats 2017 mate, Dont increase my 10% warn. wink.gifsmile.gif

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Hey hey Baz,

A boy....how delightful......Son of Baz.

Congratulations to both Jodie and yourself....although your part was over long ago LOL.gif.

Hugs to Maddy.

Will talk soon.


Aline and Matthew

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Congrat's Baz, you must be proud.

Now you have one of each the pressure's off trying for a third.

I'd stick him in an 8x2x2 until he's ready to leave home laugh.gif



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Congrats BaZ, at least now your safe from having to do that all important hospital run next Saturday morning thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

ps Andy, John (dobbin) is right, you have nowhere near 15 years of 'safety' anymore ohmy.gif Would it be HyperBaZ, or BaZDive BTW? dntknw.gif

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Hey Andy,

Just remember Charles Barkley's ( American Basketballer) reply when asked about how he was going to deal with the boys once his daughter was a teenager.

He replied on live television " I'll just shoot the first one..... and word will get out!" laugh.gifclap.gif

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Congrats on the newest member of your family!

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