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Massive Bream!


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Hey guys,

Went fishing today with a couple of mates at Lane Cove River, and on my first cast with the tail of a frozen pilchard as bait, within 1 minute, I landed this 33cm bream. It was an awesome fight!! Certainly the biggest I've caught.

I also caught a 5kg stingray there on a 2kg line. it was around 45cm in diameter and it pulled so hard, i initially thought i got a snag.

Does anyone else have pics of big bream that they have caught?

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Just got to get a digital camera.

Sorry no photos but I too caught a PB on the weekend in the Hawksbury at Flint and Steel reef - an 11lb (sounds better than in Kg) jewfish. Also in the same hour a 6lb and my friend a 13lb jewfish. thumb.gifthumb.gif

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It was awsome. Sitting there for 2 hours then change of tide .... pandamonium (spelling?). Reels going off, some connected some didn't, big silver fish beside the boat, missed gaff shots, swearing, high-fives, big silver fish kicking around our feet as we frantically got new baits in the water.

OOOOH, I can feel a sickie coming on, OOOOOHHH. woot.gif

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How about this one. Not my biggest, but still rather large at 43cm. My pb is 47cm and 1.74kg, but I've also caught a couple of others that may have tipped that but had no scales for proof.

Anyone else here fish the ABT tournaments?

PS: I cant seem to get the pic up... wink.gif

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Nice one JiggyJigs. When your bream get this big to they develop a blue nose as ours do, especially in the Hawkesbury system?

You must be serious to be in ABT tournaments. How have you placed?

My aim this year is a 10Kg jew and 2Kg bream. Not impossible but not easy either.

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It just strikes me as odd that as fish keepers doing all we can to keep our fish alive and healthy, that we are able to catch and kill fish from the wild. I know fishing is "acceptable", but once upon a time it was also acceptable to go out into the wilds and shoot elephants, lions or crocodiles and so on, but now this is not so (though it still goes on). I have often wondered why it is still seen as acceptable to kill things from the ocean, and feel that there is a connection with this way of thinking with how “big game” animals were all once seen as fair game as all creatures from the ocean still are.

Yes I still eat fish.

I was at an in-laws place recently who live right on a river. They have a large boat with a jetty/pontoon leading to it. They feed their kitchen scraps into the water, consequently there is a large (500 plus) school of large bream, black fish, sweep and so on that stay permanently at this jetty. It was wonderful to lay on the jetty and watch all these fish, even though they don’t have the colour our cichlids do, in the wild, and not be afraid to come right up to me.


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I avoided commenting earlier because this is a personal thing and I didnt want to risk offending anybody but I would like to add a few ideas.

Elephants, lions or crocodiles etc were never part of our food supply and are different to fish. For those people who are indigenous and have hunted these animals historically, unless endangered, receive special dispensation to continue hunting for meat, eg dugongs, seals etc.

I think it largely comes down to relationships. If I have a relationship with a particular animal I wont want to kill it. I cannot have personal feelings for a fish I have only met for a few minutes on the end of a line. If that fish was known personally to me and was met on more than one occasion so that a relationship developed, i would certainly not want to kill it, eg like the bream you fed

I think we (humans or at least those that are not too greedy) recognise that the sea is not a limitless supply of fish and view it as a privelage to be able to hunt fish. I only take what I need for immediate use and catch and release is becoming very common. Personal hunting promotes a feeling of involvement and concern for fish stocks which are mainly plundered by commercial activities and greed.

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Man's gotta eat right?

Craig, how do you draw th distinction between a recreational angler killing a few fih for food, and a trawler which supplies a nation with food.

Lets remember, the trawler will kill most of its by-catch as a side effect of its netting technique. Sure they put alot of illegal size fish back - but how many are alive? Is this a better method for our eating fish?

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Duck is totally right with this one. The commercial trawlers are the real killers.

Although a potentially bigger threat IMO is legal sizes. Where is the logic in taking all the large [and now scarce] breeders and leaving countless smaller fish... which then begin to breed at smaller sizes, and so on and so forth.

I personally practice catch and release (except for carp) and i honestly think that Rex Hunt has done more harm than good for fishing, if you watch the way he handles fish and removes their slime coating with his hands before 'releasing' them you'll see what i mean. I treat fish i catch like they were mine, i don't touch them and remove their slime, etc. (except for carp laugh.gif )

I have actually found a nearly dead fish with fungus infections across it's back the exact shape of a human hand.....hmmm......

Fishing is a good way to get out and about and learn about fish, and nature in general.

Now if my brother would just stop dragging me up to Wentworth falls lake at 4AM to trout fish....... laugh.gif ..... i'm developing an aversion to trout fishing.....

Oh, and my PB is a 9lb Carp, although i fought a ~4ft shark up to the surface, and then in bit through my line, as i didnt have a trace on..... sadsmiley02.gif That was fun though.

And my Dad got a Stingray off the beach which bottomed out my scales which go to 28lb, and i could hardly lift it, we estimated it at around 45lb. It was about 1m across, and had a tail about 60cm woot.gif We both took turns fighting it, and it took us about an hour on 15lb line.

Seeing as it was my Dad's fish the decision was up to him, and he chose to keep it, and can tell you it tasted like CRAP laugh.gif

I am now armed with a Penn 30lb outfit, so next time i'm up in QLD...... hehehehe......




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Hey CT

Were do the fish you eat come from?

They are probably cought in big drift nets were the die a treble slow death. Fishing with a hook and line is a lot less stressfull on the fish then dising in a net.

Another thing beef farms eat beef

and sheep farmers eat sheep

MMMM I love to catch my dinner.

They have a large boat with a jetty/pontoon leading to it. They feed their kitchen scraps into the water, consequently there is a large (500 plus) school of large bream, black fish, sweep and so on that stay permanently at this jetty

And then what happens to these fish when the food stops? These fish will be trained to stay there for food scraps. I find this more disturbing then catching a few to eat. These fish will lose the natural instinct to hunt for their food and hang around for waiting human scraps.

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Our Bream definately develop a big blue nose when they reach real maturity. Looks awesome. When i figure out how to post the pics, i'll show you some!

As for location Merjo, every bream over 40cm ive caught in perth (lost count, but well into the teens) has been somewhere between mosman bay and the causeway. All the Yacht Club's and bridges and structures are potential big bream haunts. If ya wanna see mean bream, almost all the southern rivers in WA are packed with them. We've had days out where catching 200 bream between us is not uncommon!!!!!!!!! laugh.gifwoot.gif

I've found that lure fishing out fishes baits in a big way on most days. Live hardy heads or prawns are about the only thing that will even come close.

As for 2kg bream, I've got a mate who has landed about 4 now i think. 2 in one day (that particular day scored us a 2 page spread in FishingWA magazine). The more time spent fishing the more chance you have of scoring one.

And while I'm being not so modest, How do 7-8kg Salmon on 4lb gear sound? hahaha. I almost feel sorry for you eastern states guys.

Give me 5 minutes and i'll try to sort out the pics.

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Little swimmer

Were do the fish you eat come from?

From the ocean the same as you do. That’s not the point.

Another thing beef farms eat beef

and sheep farmers eat sheep

What’s that got to do with it?

Fishing with a hook and line is a lot less stressfull on the fish then dising in a net.

speaking from personal experience? Dead is dead.

I was well aware I would not be understood with my comments. I happen to think this forum is dedicated to cichlids, but more over the health of fish. I don’t think that when browsing though the different posts it be appropriate to be viewing dead fish (unless it is in the hope of helping someone with a problem with their fish) caught on a fishing line.

I used to fish too, and it is a perfectly acceptable pastime in our society, but this web site is not for people to display their catch (no offence Novafishy), but for cichlid enthusiasts. I personally wouldn’t mind if the photo of the bream was alive, being kissed and released, even if it is not a cichlid. But for it to be not a cichlid, and dead/killed also, is not what I feel the Sydney CICHLID Page is about. Everyone is welcome to disagree with me.

And do you really think that if those fish are no longer feed that they will starve. Get real! Of course they won’t. They don’t get to 20” for no reason, and they don’t do so on a few kitchen scraps feed to them.


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Well done.. that fish looks awesome. Imagine having about 30 of those in a huge tank.... rolleyes.gif

My wife's sister (she is vegetarian - since birth as they are indian) can't understand why I eat fish when I keep them and care for them soo much. She asked me how felt eating a relative of my own pet. laugh.gif She used another example and asked me whether I would eat dog meat if I kept dogs! laugh.gif But she's a bit of a nutcase. LOL.gif

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Hi Craig,

I understand in part where you are coming from. However if the fish caught are size, killed immediately and taken as food, then I don't see a real problem. My concern is seeing fish slowly suffocating in bags or buckets - a very cruel and unjust end for sure sadsmiley02.gif The taking of under-sized or prohibited species, or exceding bag limits also angers me zipit.gif A responsible and sustainable fishing industry sits ok with me.

merjo smile.gif

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mr Cthompsons just saying he rather not see dead fish picture here as this is not a dedicated fishing forum. right smile.gif

however this is a general discussion board that means anything that don't fit into others must go here.

you don't have to see every post. (although the title didn't give too many clues to what kind of post it is so acceptable that you got offended or felt said looking at dead fish)

anyway even though there are alot of fish fanatics in this forum but you i bet there are many that are so into it but love the hobby and just having fun keep fish without being too crazy about it.

I for instance love fish keeping and also fishing. I think most two hobbies go hand in hand. (although one is keeping fish alive and others trying to kill it! LOL)

anyway good on you for expressing your opinion thumb.gif

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however this is a general discussion board that means anything that don't fit into others must go here

Actually this is the Tank and Fish Photo forum, for the display and discussion of photographs. tongue.gif

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It just strikes me as odd that as fish keepers doing all we can to keep our fish alive and healthy, that we are able to catch and kill fish from the wild. I know fishing is "acceptable", but once upon a time it was also acceptable to go out into the wilds and shoot elephants, lions or crocodiles and so on, but now this is not so (though it still goes on). I have often wondered why it is still seen as acceptable to kill things from the ocean, and feel that there is a connection with this way of thinking with how “big game” animals were all once seen as fair game as all creatures from the ocean still are.

Yes I still eat fish.

I was at an in-laws place recently who live right on a river. They have a large boat with a jetty/pontoon leading to it. They feed their kitchen scraps into the water, consequently there is a large (500 plus) school of large bream, black fish, sweep and so on that stay permanently at this jetty. It was wonderful to lay on the jetty and watch all these fish, even though they don’t have the colour our cichlids do, in the wild, and not be afraid to come right up to me.


where to begin.. I don't think i'll bother but you ruined your argument when you said you eat fish... I love my fishing and go every weekend, I have just come back from the barrier reef where i had a couple of weeks scuba diving varying reefs and some fringe reefs which was the best experience of my life, i love fish and their natural habitat as much as anyone

but making a comment about a dead bream seems a bit rediculous

a great bream at that too

I must admit since I have been in the fish keeping hobby I have limited my catch and only will keep what I will eat that night otherwise they can live to fight another day, but c'mon.. bream are everywhere, ants of the ocean

I could never eat a fish I have owned though sadsmiley02.gif though I do wish i could take my 45cm barra out and for some play.. just need to find a small dam and catch him on some barbless hooks tongue.gif then pack up and bring him home.. sort've like taking the dog for a walk thumb.gif


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