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What first got you interested in keeping fish?  

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I got the bug from scuba diving. I started a marine tank and after a few year when I grew sick of carting water from the beach (I lived in Cronulla) I wanted something that I could water change from the tap. Cichlids were the most interesting, colourful and had the most personality than any of the others, so that's where it all came from. Later I found Africans and my tank numbers grew. I still have some of my first fish. Amphilophus longimanus.

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My Dad built an aquarium into a bar when I was a baby. So, I grew up watching angels etc. and loved them. Dad would cut the necks off old glass wine flagons for me to use as "tanks" for whatever I caught in the local river..obsession grew from there. After goldfish, my first "real" fish were assorted community tropicals.

merjo smile.gif

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It all started when I was 8 and I wanted to rescue the fish that was floating sideways in the tank at the LFS. For some reason mum actually let me have it, the LFS gave it to me and told mum that it would be dead in an hour. It was a male guppy, and it lived, in fact it lived for 5 years after that. Ever since then the number or tanks and species has just grown to the point where now my car doesn't fit in the garage, and i fear that my bedroom might move from the 2nd floor to the first tongue.gif

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I have always loved fish. My first fish were two Goldies, their names were Cake and Narni. Give me a break, I was only 4 years old. The first tank I looked after myself had an Axololtl whose name was Orca, I was 10 years old then. Since then I have had many tanks with Exotic Goldfish, Tropicals, Marines, South American Cichlids, Malawi Cichlids and now Tanganyikan Cichlids (my Tropheus).

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My brother inlaw gave us a 4 foot tank for a wedding present.

Then we met a nice lady at lfs tongue.gif who gave good advice and got us hooked.

We've now got 11 tanks and its still not enough for all the fish we want... sadsmiley02.gif

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the MRS wanted a pond in the back yard so after getting half way through it and xmas fast aproching i thought a nice tank would get me out of digging the rest of the pond.

well it did, but now, 7 years later and with more than 50 tanks i wish i had dug the hole.


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I started off keeping green tree frogs in a 3ft tank, and it was a lovely looking setup but after a while I got sick of their constant croaking at nights (I was in my teens and living at home then).

Once I sold the frogs, I wanted something else to put in the tank I had bought and fish seemed a good choice for a fish tank laugh.gif

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As a young boy I slept over at my cousin's place quite often. My uncle had a 6 foot tank in the lounge room where my cousin and I slept when I stayed over. They would leave the light on the tank until 10 pm so I would lie in bed and watch the tank for hours. That is what got me interested in the first place. Now I am trying to impart the same love of keeping fish to my children.


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I bought my daughter a goldfish setup from the markets which I ended up looking after. I got interested in converting to tropicals and went to the LFS to see what I could stock. Thats when I saw a large trimac gracefully cruising a tank. It was my first cichlid I had seen and now I'm truly addicted to the despair of my wife laugh.gif I still haven't kept a trimac though but love my Americans!

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my dad had a four foot african tank when i was at High School and i took an interest and got a 3ft tank and kept tropicals, i did my year 11 or Year 12 work experience cant rememeber which year it was at Reef Aquarium ( i think thats what its called) in Hornsby . I didnt get back into the hobby until about 4 years ago.


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"Obsessive Fisherman Sydnrome" - Spent the last 30 year learing how to find, catch, kill, clean and cook fish so why not try to keep them alive and give them pet names! laugh.gif

Always had a nagging interest but never the right time or place. Recently bought a house with the perrrfect spot to put a large fish tank. Then one day while out fishing I caught several very pretty wrasse (maori and red-finned) and thought they would look fantastic in a tank. Spoke with LFS - no good as need chiller due to low temp tolerance of local tropical species. Tropical marine too much trouble for a newbie. Found cichlids and they were juuust right..... wub.gif

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I have always loved keeping fish. We also lived near a very large exporter of tropical fish backin Sri Lanka and when the rainy season came, their tanks would overflow and the fish would get into the drians, creeks and rivers. As kids we used to catch them for our tanks. Then my uncle started to breed fish and I helped out with breeding and cleaning very large cement tanks etc. The tanks were about 10m long x 8m wide and about 3ft high. He bred lots of gold fish, guppies, swordtails etc etc.. No heaters required as the weather was perfect.. thats where the main journey began I think. rolleyes.gif

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Not me, I'm not that lucky.

Truth is, it's hard to say what got me into fish. I have had a tank probably longer than I can remember. I've just always had them. My older brother and I had a Betta breeding program happening when I was about 5 ( I remember having my tonsils out at the time). At one stage we were getting substantially more for girls than boys, because the wholesalers never had girls, I guess the big scale farmers used them all as feeders?

My sister at the time would have been breeding angels also. So between us, we could swap some fry for bulk foods etc with about 5 local shops. Lucky my sister is older and had a car.

I started breeding a couple of good strains of livebearers when I was about 11 or 12. I got pretty ripped off selling them, considering the crap that the wholesalers sold as assorted mollies etc. At probably 14, I was breeding angels, electric yellows and Geo braziliensis. I tried with electric blues but couldn't get them to spawn. I think I had the ratios wrong, but no forum to tell me different. When I gave up on brasiliensis I was given $2 store credit per adult fish, which was 2 proven good pairs, and a couple of spares. I don't think I've seen one the same quality since huh.gif

Then as young boys do, I went through my 'I want fish that maul monkeys' stage and had the usual oscars, devils, etc. And for the last ~4 years I have been breeding africans on a bit of a decent scale. Unfortunately my setups are spread across my (mums) house, my brothers, and in summer, my sisters too, which means I can grow more fry, but have less direct control. My brother and sisters kids like having baby fish in the house rather than mums and dads for some reason woot.gif So their tanks are growouts for me thumb.gif Now I have scaled down and just have a single rack at my (mums) house, and my brother is back breeding angels, and my sister has just moved.

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I bought a tank for my girlfriend for one of her birthdays, just neons ect. After about a week or two she gave up on maintaining them and so then i took over.

Took a trip to St george aqarium and came back with a lombardoi and a cobalt blue and electric yellow, which killed all the other fish. It would be 8 years ago and i still keep electric yellows.

Cichlids have the most character thumbsupsmileyanim.gif


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