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Posts posted by Link2Hell

  1. @pride

    most shops seem to try and sell cabinets as furniture

    as it is more upmarket to keep the missus happy

    you would need to phone around with the tank size you want it for 

    or look for a second hand unit Gumtree, Marketplace etc


    • Thanks 1
  2. @yanke

    these might interest you as t Allfish2u



    Hi everyone we have had another 2 shipments of apistogramma in this week one is some locally bred awesome looking chunky pairs and also afew wild caught species here is a quick little list of these seldomly seen gems from the Amazon 

    Apistogramma borelli yellow blue pairs 

    Apistogramma Cacatuoides super red pairs and males 

    Apistogramma panduro pairs and singles 

    Apistogramma abacaxis pairs and singles 

    Apistogramma macmasteri pairs or males 

    Apistogramma hoignei pairs 

    Apistogramma velifera (my favourite of the new species we have to offer) pairs*

    Apistogramma Trifasciata pairs or singles 

    We also have a few other species that have been kicking around for a little abit now and a few left from our previous shipment of wild caughts 

    Wild caughts-
    Apistogramma agassizi tefe red back female 
    Apistogramma agassizi tefe pearl male 
    Apisrogramma bitaeniata tefe pairs 

    Captive bred-
    Apistogramma agassizi fire gold female 
    Apistogramma cacatoides orange flash pairs and singles 
    Apistogramma ortagai
    Apistogramma neon blue head male

  3. Hi All Newbridge Rd is now open all lanes

    Just a heads up for anyone travelling via Milperra Rd to the meeting

    Please note as of today the Georges River bridge on Milperra/Newbridge RD is

    closed due to flooding last night please check if it is opened when leaving for the 

    meeting otherwise you will need to detour via Hume Highway and take Governor Macquarie

    Drive at Warwick Farm where the racecourse is 

    • Like 1
  4. Gibbeceps and common plecos grow large

    L001 same family as the Gibbicep be grows smaller

    depending on how much you want to spend will dictate other options

    Ancistrus are the starting point with common bristlenose also in caliico or albino in short or longfin,

    Peppermints, Orange spots and L144 blue eyes from there they get dearer



  5. welcome @ixs :raisehand:

    you can usually find glass shrimp around the edges of slow-moving creeks in any overhanging vegetation 

    can you please fill out location in your profile so we can answer your questions easier

  6. Hi all to the sellers

    Please make sure you have read the rules relating to sizing and bagging so we have no delays 

    at scrutineering

    They will be a limited supply of water with Ray at the rebagging station

    Bring along your auction kit of a styro box or insulated bag also have your own spare bags,

    Prime and elastic bands all may save you during the day

    The club will have bundles of bags for sale but we won't have elastic bands



    Styro boxes will be offered when/if available  

    Bring your money and have a good day 👍


  7. @TJK1818 Hi and welcome to ACE forums

    being as Malawis and Victorians in most cases is a less expensive fish than most Tangs

    people use these mainly as the catfish doesn't care

    All the breeders I know use young fish that have just started breeding as they seem to realise what the catfish are up to

    Victorian Haplochromides will work as all the males want to do is spawn and they will start at an early age

    Malawi Mbuna, Haplochromides and Aulonacara are also used 

    Seeing as the catfish predate on the eggs and fry of the host any hybrid can be used as a cost effective incubator

    Hope this helps and good luck

    if you haven't read this it may be of assistance also


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