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The last time


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Hi Jason. Sorry to see you leaving the hobby.

I get the feeling its permanant.

You have been a perfect example of good will the whole time I have known and the hobby will be worse off for your absense.

Have you rehoused your last 2 pairs ?

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I for one have benefited from your knowledge and generosity over the years Jason. :yes: I suspect there are a large number of people that would say the same thing. You will definitely be missed here and throughout the hobby.

Good luck in what ever the future holds. :thumbup:

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Cant agree more with all the comments above

Top Bloke, great attitude

Great to chat too & way to generous to fellow fish keepers but thats Jason we will miss you mate

You have breed a lot of excellent fish

Hope all go's well for u and in a few years youll be back?? I hope



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Can you feel, the love, tonight...

I can't believe nobody has chimed in yet to say good riddance, I would but you might come find me and ju jitsu me.Take it easy mate, we'll get Keith to organise a catch up beer if he comes back. Hold your breath for that one.

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Thanks guys. I will probably still use the site from time to time, I just wont be keeping anything; most of it went today.

I can't believe nobody has chimed in yet to say good riddance,

I'm sure there are plenty. Socialists make just as many enemies as they do friends.

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Hey Jason,

I met you several times and found you to be a wealth of knowledge and extremely passionate about the hobby.

I was particularly impressed by your views on certain aspects of the hobby and found you to be a true man of your beliefs.

Your generosity restored my belief that theres more to this than just breeding things to make money. you welcomed me into your home and it was my pleasure to invite you to mine.

Thats why I couldn't beleive it when Dave told me you where selling up.

We all go through phases in our lives, but this thing is hard to shake once it gets into your blood. I hope your reasons aren't too dire, cos you can always start up again.

look after yourself.


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Ahh thats good to hear,

That wont hurt you to give it away for a while... might even save you some money mate!

They tell me you've given the boxing away too mate?....

That wont hurt you either.


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:lol3: Yeah mate the gloves are off; though I still train and let the boys beat me up occasionally.

just remember mate, dont show em everything.......

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