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10ft tank


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hi all getting a 10ft by 2ft by800 tall for the shop just wondering what your thoughts on stocking it .

im leaning towards a full male african display.


Australian lungfish & a barra or a mangrove jack. Proudly Australian!

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Hey Graeme

Good to see you hear.

I would say go for color and lots of it. Big groups of yellows, maingano etc. Something to get the punters intersted and arent really alot of work for you to look after.

I gotta come up to the shop and have a look at what you are doing in there


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hi all getting a 10ft by 2ft by800 tall for the shop just wondering what your thoughts on stocking it .

im leaning towards a full male african display.


Congradulations on your monster tank :thumbup:

If you dont mind me asking how much is a tank of that size worth?

Im estermating tanks capacity is 1450ltrs correct me if Im wrong. U cound keep about 35 adult Discus and plenty of attractive plants and driftwood, pritty pricey though would look spectacular :thumb

Good luck with it.


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Todd you have converted from trophs to discus :lol3: I thought you would of said have one massive troph colony in it

Yeah well trophs come in at a very close 2nd. I guess you could keep about 100 wild caught Kasanga red rainbows, If you were absolutly loaded :lol3:

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A tank that size is a dream of mine Im very jealous

For me you have only one choice freshwater stingrays there are some motoros around at the moment think it would be great to watch them grow and when they mature to breed them

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G'day Hilly,

A tank that size in a shop has to get a return on investment. It will be one of your best promotional tools.

I'd stock it with fish that are going to promote sales. As far as I know tankbusters aren't big sellers with the general fish buying public, but things like yellows are.

I'd go with some of the suggestions made here; yellows and mainganos for a start, then other mbuna with plenty of colour and eye appeal like Afra cobwe, Elongatus Mpanga, Lab. Hongi, Flavus, Cobalt blues, Crabros, Pulu Points, saulosi etc. And I'd add some haps; electric blues, lithobates, copadichromis and a few Aulonocara. Of course all males will produce the best display tank.

I'm a 'purist' and don't like mixing Tangs with Malawis, Vics, riverine etc but plenty of people do. Some fronties, brichardi, leptosomas and crimson tides will add variety.

Just my thoughts, good luck with whatever you decide.


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thanks guys ive decided to go a full malawi how many would you suggust im going to be starting with fry.

no worries josh when im up and running mate we will get together duboisis doing well mate 3 mouthfulls at the moment and the moliros look like there about to start.

thanks for the in put guys


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What Lee was saying is right.

The shop I do part time work in got 2 tanks put in about 8 months ago. 10.5 x 3w x 2h one on top of the other.

I find that the tanks do a better job selling fish than i do. lol

Top tank has 2 scats, Toga, Jack, 2 Bullrout, 3 Salmon tails and 3 P.Bass. All getting a good size 25cm+. Customers love feeding time. Must say we have sold a lot of peacock bass and jacks because of those in the top tank.

The Second tank is an African Display. When the tank went in we put 4 of each fish in the tank, fry 4-6cm. Everything is powering. There is also about 20 multipuctatis catfish in there. Looks great when the fish are breeding.

Yellows, mainganos, blues, dolphins and the rest of the run of the mill sell really well from that tank. Two that always get comments are Afra cobwe and kingsizei (Blue) Only problem is we dont have any in store. lol

The tank is prob about 8 months on now and havn't had a problem with it. There is prob about 120 or so fish in there and they all get along fine.

What ever you do just make sure you have stuff thats going to help with the selling.


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Hey Adam

Yeah close tanks have been in since March last year

Everything going well.

The Natives go great with most things being over 40cm.

And the African mix tank is awesome for selling fish

Its alot better to be able to show them what the fish an look like then a picture.

I think its better to show something you will be able to sell lots of.


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  • 4 weeks later...

well guys tank up and running didnot go full african display, so far tank has 2 peacock bass about 9 inch saratoga jardini 12 inch, red scat 3 inch, salmon tail cat 10 inch and a silver dollar 3 inch looking good so far.

hilly :lol1:

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