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Geophagus sp. Tapajos - Orange Heads


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Hi WaZ,

Nice fish, they're coming along nicely since I last saw them. Good photo composition too, but the photos are very 'grainy'. I think the camera might be letting you down.

Given that this is the Photography Forum, could you share with us what camera/lense combination you used. Are they digital or scanned film?



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very nice Waz, are they peaceful i have some geos the dicrozosters and find them quite agro with each other but totally camera shy lol

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Hey guys

Thanks very much for all the comments.

I asked my son the other night to put up some photos.......hell...... I didn't mean all of em.............sorry Nigel. LOL.gif

Lee - its a digital - Canon power shot A30. Not an expensive one compared to a lot of the guys on here...........so you just gotta put up with the grainy shots, unless someone would like to take some pics with a better camera, you'd be more than welcome. yes.gif

Sarah - I have dicrozoster as well and they are far quieter than the O/H's - these guys are like tropheus - they won't stay still and chase each other constantly, I don't believe it is fighting or territorial, nor do they do any damage to each other - they just love to chase each other. shock.gif

Sticks - I've got a few juvies if you are interested. rolleyes.gif

Sandy - yep the colours are really coming out in them now - hopefully breeding is just around the corner too - they are full size too about 10cm - so much smaller than all my other Geo's. wub.gif

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You'd be more than welcome Willie - only condition is that you bring your camera and take some GOOD pictures for me, mate. thumb.gif

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thanks Waz i was curious as i was thinking all geos were suppose to be gentle and i thought i had oddballs lol, hmm i have decided to sell mine as they are interfering with all my catties , mind you no one seems to want them lol .

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