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The flavour of the month


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What's the new flavour of the month in Cichlids ?

There seems to be a following of what's new, what's popular and this appears to be a continuous and shifting commodity. Though Electric Blues & Yellows and Bristlenose seem to remain constants ?

What's yours ? and / or your opinion ? thumb.gif



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I was just thinking that Ash...

IME, 'flava of the month' seems to go to whatever is 'new', and tends towards things like mbuna which people think might make them some coin. I don't think Tropheus fit into the 'make me some money' category, but I might be proven wrong.

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This forum seems to have a lot of Tropheusitis lately

As you say Yellows and Bristlenose are always good, a bit more so than blues latley IMO. I have been noticing a shift towards Geopahgus and Discus recently in the LFS though, but flavour of the month overall would have to be the new D. brachyura and loaches.

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If Tropheini are indeed the latest and greatest thumb.gif then it is great to see that an allowable import has reached this pinnacle smile.gif

As for making money off them hysterical.gifhysterical.gifhysterical.gif


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I was only drawing on my reading of many articles on the web about keeping them AND all the collective advice in the Tropheus specific thread.

I apologise for posting, won't happen again dry.gif

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For the African lovers, flavour of the month seemed to be Mbuna for a while, then Peacocks and Haps, then Tangs. But now that Tangs have started to go a bit quiet it seems Tropheus are the in thing. Although there seems to be a lot of rare catfish people out there too lately.

IMO, cichlids have absolutely taken off in the last 10-15 years and I think we are all just slowly working our way thru the variety of species now readily available. It’s fantastic really. Much better then when I was a kid with a few platies and guppies.

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I remember before that it was the black Occies, what colour is next?
isn't it the pearlies like L. meleagris and L. speciosis?

now that Tangs have started to go a bit quiet it seems Tropheus are the in thing
I could have sworn tropheus are tangs blink.gif
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now that Tangs have started to go a bit quiet it seems Tropheus are the in thing
I could have sworn tropheus are tangs blink.gif


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now that Tangs have started to go a bit quiet it seems Tropheus are the in thing
I could have sworn tropheus are tangs blink.gif


It would be nice if fellow forum members could fix up other members mistakes in a more formal matter rather than being sarcastic all the time. Just my opinion.


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Tangs = Lake Tanganyikan cichlids, the most wonderfull fish in the world... wub.gif

thats if you like psycho fish with the color variety of bat guano (fronntie and tropheus aside).

Mbuna, haps, and peacocks are other african fish from some puddle of water also in Africa. wink2.gif

these are actually fish with an astonishing array of colors and personalities, which come from lake malawi.

inferior folk (like trofius) are actually incapable of understanding true beauty, and should be pitied for their poor choice in fish LOL.gifLOL.gifLOL.gif

and Richard, i think what you are calling sarcasm should in this case be defined as sarcastic humour and therefore intended to amuse other readers, not offend the person it is aimed at .


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When it comes to mbuna I think demasoni have been the fad and will likely soon turn to msobo. Yellows will always be a favourite. Frontosa and trophues are likely the most popular of the tangs at the moment. Americans and riverine cichlids seemed to have dropped in popularity all together sad.gif.


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I was only drawing on my reading of many articles on the web about keeping them AND all the collective advice in the Tropheus specific thread.

I apologise for posting, won't happen again  :dry:

Hey Ash... raisehand.gif .

Try not to have an opinion that doesn't fit in m8.... hysterical.gif

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