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Experts please SEX my fronnies


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i've had them for about 9months now since they were about an inch.

My #3 from the pics is the only one oddly shaped (very rounded).

How come u guys chose 1,2,4 to be females and 3,5 to be males. can u please tell me what made u come up with that

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I am no fronty expert but I would say head shape is their guide.

I wouldn't take any of it as gospel though, I have seen some pretty male looking girls. You should try your hand at vent sexing them. There are lots of articles with good pictures to guide you, and fronties are comparitively easy to vent, gievn their size, compared to alot of the mbuna I vent.

Another question for the frontie experts. What is with the front bar stopping at the eye? Should it extend all the way up? Most of the young 7 bars I see have their bars like these pics, but the big adults all seem to have a full bar?

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i think the only male is 3 ,but this is a guess because the hump should be quite pronounced at 12mths old ,have you got any "humpy" males in with them? if not you may even have 5 females, and yes ducksta all mine have the front stripe going all the way through the eye and joining the other side. johnwilly the yellow dorsal is interesting are these a particular geographic type?

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I aint no expert either so I wasnt going to say anything but I reckon the last fish is a female too dntknw.gif

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I'm with Hypo on this one. Way too young to sex.

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