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What do you do when Cichlids become a chore

Other Ed

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I have never been in your situation before but had a sister who has.

I would downsize to one low cost and maintenance display tank. If you find you aren't motivated to do water changes, check water chemistry and generally keep the fish in good nick it might just be time to get rid of them.


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Yep, concentrate on a solitary display aquarium. And have lots of people over who will tell you how cool it is, and therefore how cool you are for having it.

I have been close to packing it in a couple of times, but I find when I start thinking about selling things I realise they are hard to part with after all blush.gif

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I found that making a display tank helped me through this problem. The process of setting it up and reorganising the decor was motivation in itself. Seeing the beauty of the finished tank ultimately raised my enthusiasm. Selling up something that has been part of your life for along time may become a big regret later on. I agree with the others downsize until the bug bites again.


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All my tanks were moved into the garage early last summer. I had a rack made. Its 7 foot long and has a 3ft and a 4ft on the top and same on the bottom, with filters underneeth. I setup a fry tank last month with ice cream tub filter to raise some krib (feble attempt at the krib project). I have firemouth in the top 4ft and convicts and krib on the other top 3ft. Krib and a pair of angels in the bottom 4ft and breeding pair of krib in the bottom 3ft, but the male died so now the fry got moved in here from the fry tank. All the tanks are standards with one 3ft having hob filters + a diy, the rest having external canisters. Also some BN in the tanks.

Its a chore to feed them everyday then rush off to work. Water changes are done less often than should be. sadsmiley02.gif I did read the artical in the Cichlid Circular (cichlidless edition (1st edition vol 24)) but didnt really understand what was going on with the water flow.

I should mention that we have a new baby 7 weeks now. But I dont think thats the problem. I do miss having the fish in the house. I will be working on sat 12 feb, so no BBQ for me. And no spending loads of cash on a new 5x2x2 for the house.


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I dont think I would be motivated much if all my tanks were hidden away in a garage or similar either.

My tanks were always in the house, and when we needed extra space in the house I moved them out here to the back room (converted garage) and have my tanks, computer, and other toys which allow me to escape into my own world.

I enjoy being out here for many other reasons than just the fish, and can certainly imagine what a chore it would be to simply come out here to feed the fish then go back inside again.

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I say maybe you need to take a break from it, thats what I have done, now I am back in the hobby but wont be as full on as I once was as I have gotten my priorties in order now, so now it wont be a chore but a great way to relax and have fun with it, after all that is what it is supposed to be about

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What sort of fish is that last shot?

I’ve had fish for many years, and though I would never get rid of them, I have gone through the down cycle you are going through. I have found getting a new fish that I’ve had an interest in has always made a difference to my attendance with my fish which incidentally are all in the garage at the moment also. I have two kids, and they have grown up with these tanks, and the time it takes dad each week to look after them. My kids are 5 and 7 now, and it is much easier time wise to look after both now they are older and do the tanks, but when they were both young, it was quite difficult to manage all the loves of my life.

If I were you, I would give some thought to a few new fish, not necessarily more than one species.


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Hi Ed,

I completely agree with Craig. We lost interest for a while after moving but then we decided to go out and get a few fish we'd always wanted, that plus this forum is what got us enthusiastic again.

By the way, that last shot is great.

Shell & Shane

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Ok wink.gif this has happened to me many times - but I have other hobbies to sustain me through the downtimes...

Here's a few ideas that help:

> Keep some low maintenance cichlids for a while, I suggest Julidochromis spp. or shell dwelling Neolamps (N. multifasciatus etc) - easier, as you wont be needing those fry tanks.

> Lightly stock the tanks - you'll reduce your water changes significantly this way wink.gif.

> Put your tanks on timers for lights etc - if they arent already.

Take some time out and enjoy bub - soon you'll be desperate to get out and into the garage LOL!

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I lost interest aswell so i sold all my cichlids and got into discus..but soon got sick of the queens of the Aquarium. I thaught to my self "what cichlids have i always admired and wanted but never got"....so my decision was feather fins (foai, *Sumbu*) i purchased them young and knew they'd take a while to grow, now my interest lies in the anticipation of what they'll turn out like as adults. I only have these now and a pet red devil and find my self content with what i have and although id like another tank for my red devil i'm happy and have stuff all maintanence.

Anthony smile.gif

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As you can see nearly all of us at one time or another have hit that wall unsure.gif , I got through it like a lot of others by trimming down the stock levels in the tanks so I did not have to do as much maintenance wink.gif .

I also looked around for some fish that I had always wanted but never had and did some research on them , that re kindled the urge and when I finally got some of them into my tanks wub.gif I was off and running again thumb.gif .


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Sorry to hear about your lack of interest Ed. sadsmiley02.gif It's a shame when this happens but I think you should really think what is it that makes you lose interest. Is it the constant maitenance? Or is it simply you are not interested in keeping fish or any new fish. I think if it is the latter than sell up and move on. But if it's the first I strongly agree with everone else......downsize. The last thing is to push something you dont want then you may really resent the hobby.

From my experience I have kept fish for 18 months now. My enthusiasm is greater than it ever was. I have become very picky about what I want to keep in the future. I think if i stick to this then my interest should last (hopefuly) for a long time. To me the satisfaction arises when i see my fish grow up under my care. Also when i visit a LFS and see a species which i keep, many times the quality is at best poor (of larger fish). It is when i return home and see my fish looking totally different than what I saw that day. My fish are healthy,nice colours and body shape.

I symapthise with you though because currently I have a 4x2x2, Aqua One AR620T and a standard 2ft. I planning on getting my dream tank this year....a 7ftx30x30 monster. I am however concerned that with a tank that size plus my existing tanks I might not be able to maintain them way I would like. I would like to avoid getting myself into a situation.

Good luck though.....please let us know how you go


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I've had cichlids for 12 years and for me it goes in peaks and troughs. That's one of the reasons I keep Africans - in the troughs the little suckers still plug along regardless as they're so hardy.

Although, I must confess I've been at a "peak" for the last two years. blush.gif

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It happens to everyone at one time or another. But at the end of day its whats going to make you happiest which is the best answer.

I would go for the lower maintenance cichlids for a while, then when ur back on a high go back to whatever tickles your fancy thumb.gif

take it easy thumb.gif


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