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What pressies?


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I got one off these. man i goes likethe clappers, Until my brother-in-law broke it mad.gifmad.gif now i gotta wait 4 days till the hobby shop opens to buy replacement parts


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I got a few pairs of socks dry.gif and a bottle of scotch smile.gif

Also doing a fish swap soon so that's kind of a Christmas present to myself I suppose...a very light year pressie wise for us...the kids did well however! tongue.gif

Merry Christmas everyone



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I got a $27,000 deck laugh.gif

Well that was our present to ourselves wink.gif . It meant no money to buy each other too many things.

Other than that, the usual shirts, beer, bottles of Drambuie and JD, socks, a nice stainless wok, and a heap of baby clothes smile.gif

No fish stuff for once ohmy.gif , Although I shouted myself a UV filter last week so that kind of counts...

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Somehow the jeans I bought myself, ended up wrapped under the tree from Santa ohmy.gif He is sneaky for a fat man. He also gave me an IOU 'coz 'he' was too lazy to go shopping in the mad rush... Thats OK, I gave most people IOU's myself, I guess I caught laziness from 'Santa' I hate shopping.

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I think my presents get worse every year. laugh.gif Ornamental glass chess set, set of 4 coffee mugs, two mens fragrances, two shirts (the one item I really needed), shaving products. I asked Santa for a 7ft tank.......look like I will have to treat my self to this one. Had some really nice food though thumb.gif

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a good 4 burner BBQ with a hood and rotissere (spelling?)

A coupla DVD's

$50 gift voucher at a LFS

Seat belts for my datto project

good metal drinking mug (think it's stainless, not pewter?)

2 pairs of JD boxer shorts (JD the drink, not the fish)

other stuff too that I can't remember, that's the highlights

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I got a Robosapien!!! seen here www.robosapien.com and a Lego Red Baron, the shawshank redemption on dvd, a jag shirt, a Australias most dangerous animals book, a novelty soap thats got a toy snake in the middle (its to encourage me to wash more so i can get to the toy snake wink.gif lol) So i did pretty well, i thought id get the toys as i can buy "adult" stuff anytime i want, but i get back to my inner child at christmas which is fun!!!

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loads of socks, shirts,deoderants etc. but i also got a couple of fishing books and a shot glass chess set. pretty happy all in all.

i was at the hospital the other day and although it was kinda sad to see the kids in there for Christmas, the staff and a couple of volunteers made it all happen for them in a big way. was great to be a part of it and ended up being the best pressie of all!

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