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Welcome to the moderating team


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We had a massive response to our advertisement moderators, and it is with great pleasure that we welcome Merjo, AdelaideAnt, Katanaone, Mianos, Dark Morelia and Mike_W to the team.

Out of all the responses we received, these people stood out as being mature and level headed individuals who we feel will do a great job at helping us keep ACE a great place

We have also appointed kinerata as the ACE Archivist, this is a big job and we thank him for taking on such a huge task clap.gif

We would like to thank everyone who applied. Everyone was considered and many of you got many votes of confidence.

Please help us make these new Mods feel welcome as they adjust to the slightly different role of working behind the scenes clap.gifclap.gifclap.gif

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Welcome aboard gang.

And I would also like to give a big thank you to all the other applicants that didn't make it this time. We really appreciate the time you spent applying and the effort you have all put into the forums.

As you can all see we have taken a large number into the team and the line just had to be drawn some where. As we said in our replies to your application we will keep you all in mind should we need more Mods in the future.

I am also pleased to say that there was not one person that we needed to reject outright.

Well done

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Thanks for the welcome and opportunity guys.

I am also pleased to say that there was not one person that we needed to reject outright.

...maybe a good thing you didn't apply then Josh j/k woot.gif How's the fish shed coming along btw? smile.gif

merjo smile.gif

PS> can I say things like that now blush.gifLOL.gif

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Grace, there aren't so many.

Several of our past mods have become very busy in their personal lives, so they asked to step down due to having no time to perform their duties as mods.

Accordingly, we simply asked for nominations to fill those empty spots, so there are no more mods now than there ever was. wink.gif

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Good luck in the job guys smile.gif There must be a need for it wink.gif

I must say its a bit sad to see the old school, long term members/mods with ALL the knowledge dissappearing off the board and losing interest...but I guess thats life smile.gif Out with the old, in with the new I guess blink.gif Lets hope with all this help that the forum can be rebuilt to its former glory days smile.gif


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Hey nothing wrong with new blood...lol...nothing wrong with my knowledge base tongue.gif ...hehe...i've been taught by the best smile.gif. Thanks for the congrats people..hopefully you guys aren't as undiciplined as those damn highschool students that ive taught recently, there will be some major mehaviour managment goin on if you are mad.gif...hehe just jokes.


PS: yes some of you are Highschool students, all i have to say is "you know your all a bit loopy"....hehe....i was blink.gif .

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Good luck in the job guys  There must be a need for it 

I must say its a bit sad to see the old school, long term members/mods with ALL the knowledge dissappearing off the board and losing interest...but I guess thats life  Out with the old, in with the new I guess  Lets hope with all this help that the forum can be rebuilt to its former glory days 

Chuck, there are times when it's probably best to not say anything at all. laugh.gif

Sounds like a hint of jealousy to me (or perhaps I took it differently to how you meant it wink.gif ) I noticed a lot of smilies in there so I'm assuming you are saying it tongue in cheek.

This forum is still the biggest and best in the country. The new mods all have a decent degree of experience, and a couple would teach most people here a thing or two (yes even some of the old mods and you as well).

The old mods are not off the forum either. They simply have busier lives at the moment than when they had the time to moderate here. Times change and so do peoples personal lives.

Been hitting the Christmas cheer a bit early? LOL.gif

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not sure what chuck would be jealous on, he has more than enough to do with his own forum I would guess.

The new mods all have a decent degree of experience

I would agree most do, but I certainly wouldnt say all smile.gif

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Yeah that's why I didn't think he was being jealous, but it just looked that way. The written word is hard to determine the feeling in which it was written unless you write it.

I just didn't understand the "glory days" comment.

The only thing I miss about the old forums that we have used in the past is having Dave at the helm. If it wasn't for the REALLY jealous types (not just pretend jealous like Chuck laugh.gif ), then I'm sure he would still be here running the forum.

These new forums are better looking, have more members using them than ever before and are much easier to control.

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Just to fill in the gaps a little for those on the forum who might be interested - my circumstances changed dramatically after taking on the moderating role. New baby, made redundant from my work (and now unemployed), and all the stress that goes with that level of change just meant I couldn't do the role justice. wink.gif

Welcome aboard to the new mods, great to see the ranks expanding again. thumb.gif



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Yeah it was certainly nice back in the ezboard days when we had folks like Link, Simon V, Anita, Dave, Mark, Kev etc all giving their advice to a fairly small group of enthusiasts.

As most will agree, the hobby has undergone a huge change in the past 5 years. That ultimately means that people can give up on the hobby as they no longer want to be involved so much, they can embrace it and work with all the new rules and new species (for better or worse), or they can simply roll with it and hope for the best.....

Times change. I remember when Icy poles were 15c from the fish and chip shop laugh.gif

I'm sure there are plenty of others who remember when they were a few pennies (or hadn't been invented yet LOL.gif )

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Yeah it was certainly nice back in the ezboard days when we had folks like Link, Simon V, Anita, Dave, Mark, Kev etc all giving their advice to a fairly small group of enthusiasts.

Andy's right here, and it was probably better back in the good old days when Mr MacDonald made the hamburgers personally. Just because he's had to employ a bunch of extra new blood doesn't mean his business is any less successful wink2.gif

The trouble with success is that it often brings an increased workload. The efforts put in by everyone here both in years gone by and in current years, has meant that this forum is constantly growing and expanding to the point where some just don't have the spare time to keep up with the job. I always see that as a positive sign smile.gif

Times change. I remember when Icy poles were 15c from the fish and chip shop

Yeah me too. I also remember my school teacher sending me down the road at lunch time with $5 to buy her a pack of smokes. I think they were $4 at the time, and I was allowed to spend the change on lollies. This happened regularly and since most lollies were 1c each at the time we all used to sit up real straight to be the chosen one that day smile.gif

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Your teacher would probably do time for that these days....

Remember the 20c bag of mixed lollies? That sucker would feed you for hours.

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