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Measuring fish


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Im just wondering how everyone measures their fish before a sale. I usually try to catch the fish, get it in my hand, get a ruler and measure from the two furtherest points (ie from head to tail). Im just wondering what everyone else does, because after a recent sale ive relised that people do it different ways.


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hey Mike,

Settle down dude.even beardie states he measures the fish from the furtherest points......I dont think that its common sence. Different ppl measure their fish different ways, and in large fish it can make quiet a difference.

how do you measure the lengths of fish my round tails? that would surely be from head to tip of tail wink.gif

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I think thats common sense Maz and usually doesn have much difference when measuring unless uve got a fish with a really long V or C shaoped tail brichari etc

But again, common sense - lol.

hmmm...well Mike, if it is such common sense why didn't you mention it when you said you measure

from H - T

I do not think you should be telling me what common sense is. Common sense says not to whack stuff in your tank when you do not know if it will help...like medication for Gill Flukes.

Snap out of it. dry.gif

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is that better because because the fish sound bigger?

I measure head to tail. I don't keep any species with excessively long tails so I don't think theres a problem. I also generally under-post the size of my fry when selling on the forums, to avoid argument, or any chance of dispute rolleyes.gif

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Ahhh Maz, no need to be like that......

My fish are mostly pseudos so measuring to the V makes only 1mm difference if anything.

I think you misunderstood me. What i meant is that if you have a fish with a very long c or v chaped tail you should meausure to the V. So i was actually agreeing with you. If you have a fish with an extra 5cm or so on the tail, then i think its just logical to ignore it when measuring the size of the fish.

As for common sense, changing the topic when posting, is NOT common sense.

As for medicating my fish. I did end up medicating them correctly and saving most of them. Some of them unfortunately didnt kick through. I would hate to see what happened if i didnt medicate them.


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But if people are overestimateing their fish size, it wont matter which 2 points they say the measurement is between, they will always be overestimating. If I say 3cm tip to tip, then it is a buyers responsibility to think OK, so fish X is a slim fish and 3cm is going to mean it is much lighter and 'smaller' than fish Y; whatever. It is still the buyers responsibilty to make the decision if I say 26mm lip to base of tail. 3cm means alot of different things for different species depending on their build etc. I honestly believe it shouldn't matter if someone posts 4cm and the fish is 3.5 considering the price of fish on the forums, even though as I say I tend to sell bigger fish than my post size. At the end of the day if you don't want something, don't buy it. A buyer has all the control in any transaction until money has changed hands.

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I don't think there is too much common sense on measuring fish cos its such a subjective thing. everyone will do what they feel is the best way. generally I do the same as ducksta, head to tail then understate the size. cos most my species have small tails this isn't of issue. its also easier as most people here use total length in their measurements. if for some reasoon I decide to use standard length and measure head to base of tail, then I will make note of it.

naughty boy maz, how dare you be mean enough to state the truth thumb.gif

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um, isn't there Standard length & Total length? (SL & TL)

(Edit: Opps, Gav brought that up blush.gif )

Isn't SL nose to base of tail & TL inclusive of tail?

I'm sure I read that in a Konings book. blink.gif

What if the fish's tail fins get nipped? For example (and it was true 2 weeks ago) my gold severum is only 1cm longer SL than my green sev but as the bossy gold has nipped the green's tail, the green is 3cm shorter TL rolleyes.gif

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Hi all,

Is there a legal way to measure fish? Too right there is! ohmy.gif

In NSW (as in most other states and territories) there are legal limits on the size of fish that can be caught and kept. blink.gif

'NSW Fisheries' has a website that explains bag and size limits and even 'How to measure fish' (see http://www.fisheries.nsw.gov.au/rec/gen/measure.htm ). The legally prescribed way to measure fish in NSW is from the tip of their lips to the tip of their tail.


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i just guess responsibly, its not worth the stress caused to a 5 cm fish to take it out and lay a ruler beside it, usually the length of the fish should be given as total length ,or caudal length etc and a size Most people state as mentioned that the fish are eg. 5-7cm and this is usually total length as all breeders will know there is a huge difference in the size of growing fry due to shooting...

I think length, and accuracy comes down to how responsible the person is.

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