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Which cichlid for a small tank?


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Hey all,

Building a new cabinet for the bedroom, and I'm thinking of putting a small tank on the bottom shelf, most likely an Aqua One 340 Pro or something similiar, so around 30-40L max.

Just looking for some suggestions for what to put in it? Obviously looking at dwarves, however probably not apistos as I have some lined up for my display.

What do you guys think? Dont mind either African or American.


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African rivuline dwarfs are very interesting... I breed Pelvicachromis subocellatus "Matadi" which are stunning and suitable for a small tank... I'll be putting some bags of them through the Auction on Saturday too. :)

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any of the dwarf varieties would be fine, Julies are great little fish. egyptian mouth brooders ,,,,,,, Pelvachromis as stated above are awesome

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Some great ideas, thanks for the feedback.

@Andrew, I have a young pair of Pelvicachromis Taeniatus 'Kienke' which are just starting to defend a cave, hopefully I can get some fry out of those guys. I have also bred Subocellatus before, but havent seen any in a long time, definitely an option.

@Dazzman, I have blue rams in my display so probably looking for something different... they are an awesome little fish though, in my top 5 easy.

@Raycam, Julies are amazing, seriously considering some of those guys. Would Egyptian Mouthbrooders go alright?

Keep all the ideas coming!


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hey Hammo,

go the Julies, they are tops awesome little fish and intersting to watch give them a few little pots n caves and they will go and breed happily for you.

Egyptian mouth brooders would be fine possibly alittle pair or trio in that 40l tank would be max, they are a great little fish again good personalities and little characters.

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Just on the Julies... I find that most of them are extremely aggressive within their species. If you can find a bonded pair, it will be fine, but if you want to get 6 or more to try and form a pair, you will probably need more room to avoid deaths/injuries.

There are only 3 species of Julidochromis that could work in that size tank. J. transcriptus, J. ornatus and J. dickfeldi. Both regani and marlieri grow way too large, with the exception of J. marlieri "Gombe" (which used to be called transcriptus).

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  • 2 weeks later...

im with the others julies or shellies, or chalinochromis (similar to julies) some julies may get too gig for the 30 to 40 l you are talking , look for J regani gombe as they are smaller than the others.

a pair of N brevis (shell dweller) would do well in a tank that size

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If I had the chance to have a tank in my room I would go for a small pair of Americans like rainbows or even a nice pair of firemouths ... But best of all go with what you love

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  • 2 weeks later...

You could also add bolivian butterflies (sorry not sure of the scientific name of them) they are a good dwarf cichlid to add to a small tank, males get fairly dark colouring, females get pale colouring in them but still attractive

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