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great way to start christmas


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So i woke up this morning, and after wishing everyone a merry christmas i went to check on my tank. i looked over it, and noticed that my julis had spawned. bit of a coincidence that they became free swimming for me to notice on christmas morning :woohoo:

So what should i do with them? this is the julis first spawn (and the tank as a whole's), so i don't know if i should put them into a fry saver or leave them with the parents. i would like to grow them out a bit over the holidays, but don't know if taking them away will break the pair up. the parents are doing a fine job of keeping the tret who is the most interested in them away, so i don't know if its necessary...?

i have been feeding them frozen bbs squirted into the crevice that they are in, and will start with crushed pellet once they are a wee bit bigger.

so what should i do?

Thanks and merry christmas,


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oh, forgot to add all that.

its a 6x2x2 set up with two rockpiles either end

in the tank is

8 Cyprichromis leptosoma 'Kigoma'

2 juv. white calvus

2 leleupi

1 tret

1 juv. Eretmodus cyanosticus 'Kapampa''

and the pair of j. marlieri in question

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Congratulation on the spawn.

The Julies are normally great parents and will guard the fry but once they become free swimming and move away from the spawning site they will be prone to predation from other tank mates, in particular the Tret and Calvus.

If this is their first spawn I would let them raise them for a while and then remove some fry once they are larger.

Other may have other opinions.

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yeah i was thinking it would be better to let this spawn run its course so the parents can figure everything out early.

whats the average size of a juli spawn? i wouldn't say i have much over 15-20, but i can't see them all entirely.

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I think they might have had another spawn. there seems to be more in the group, and they look smaller than the rest. i am running low on frozen bbs, so i will take some of the larger ones out and put them into a fry saver and feed them crushed pellets so the smaller ones can have the remaining bbs. all my local fish stores are out of frozen bbs, and won't be getting any for two weeks. what should i do until then?

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