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Duboisi and Saulosi Dead


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Was wondering if anyone could help me.

Recently a t.duboisi just died and now my saulosi is dying. they are only 4cm in length and my water paramters are as they should be, ie ammonia and nitrite are 0 and nitrate <5ppm

They only recent change is that i cleaned the gravel using that sucking tool everyone uses. Any help?

further info that may help is that they are in a 220L tank with an ehiem 2215 and a aquaone 550 advance. Sr1200 air pump and 300watt heater set at 26degrees. Tank fish are 7 duboisi left and 2 saulosi left and about 5 lfn which are breeding.

thanks in advance

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Did you check the water parameters before or after the gravel vac? Im no expert by any means, but if you checked before the gravel vac, maybe you sucked up or somehow killed the bacteria that is in the gravel, which may have then caused an ammonia spike?

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This might be cause by different parasites that involves water change....

Most likely an Amonia spike as suggested earlier...

Best of luck with the rest mate.

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thanks for all the replies. their symptoms are just that they eat alot less and just stay in one spot above the ground. eventually they get lower and lower and just lay on the ground breathing then die. I checked the parameters after the first fish died and nope i havent cleaned the filters yet. Was intending to change them when i upgrade by tank and it needs to be cycled. Im so confused as to why this is happening =S

once again thanks for trying to help

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i was thinking bloat however no their poo is normal =s red because i feed them colour bits and occassionaly green when i feed them flakes for a few days. what other symptoms are their for bloat or perhaps u know a nice link on the forum that would help :)

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Its not bloat.

My guess is that they where poisoned by poor water conditions. When you changed the water these condition were masked and didn't show on the testing.

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i had a similar problem a few years ago. i had been washing the car before i did a water change and gravel vac. when I finished with the car i just wiped my hand on my shirt and started playing in the fish water. the soap residue on my hands poisoned the whole tank. so maybe you used a sponge to clean algae off the glass that was used for cleaning something else by accident. its not bloat, it definitely sounds like a type of poisoning. and marcdoyle has a good question. could also be copper poisoning.

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sorry for the delayys. ill try and reply best i can

no i dont add heated water. i live around eastern beaches in sydney and at this time of year its more than warm enough to be added safely. even during winter really it wouldnt be could enough to need me to goto the lengths of heating it :L

as for the poisoning issue. i dnt drive or do anything as such with chemicals. im a uni student so lifes busy enough anyway. i was thinking if its poisoning perhaps from the hose i use? that would be my suspect although its suppose to be a lead free one

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using the hot water tap you can add leached copper from the pipes that will have settled in the

hot water system and direct from the copper pipes where cold water vitually doesn't

i think a dose of Metro is the go but I would have run a high volume pump or filter through

carbon first then remove the carbon and add the medication

running through the carbon at least over night would help drag heavy metals or toxins out

if that was part of the problem

throw away any use carbon as once overloaded it can release what it has absorbed


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thanks link2hell and eggieman. i was suspecting the colour bits and thats why i fed them flakes as well but it probably still got to them.

as for the carbon all the fish died =\ so i simply stocked the tank with a good old hardy fish, pink convicts :L nothing seems to get to them

thanks for the help from everyone. ill remember this nxt time i get some more duboisi

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