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fish stocking ideas


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hi all!!!

after some help to accomadate my hex tanks which use to have mbuna but now have out grown the tank and moved them to the 5x2x2 tank!!!!

thinking shell dwelller tangs? any ideas on which species and how many of each??

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I would have to say that if your Mbuna have out grown it then sandsifters or Cyprichomis wont be suitable.

Most shell dwellers require floor space, what is the dimension of the floor of your tank?


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shellies would be good if u could actually find anything other than brevis! :zipit::lol2: i aggree with yanke get a pair and breed them up! (like im trying to do!)


PS: if u no sources that stock gold occies and are able to post to CQ then please PM me... Thanks

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although paracyps would be ok with a pair of occies, melagris, multies, ect

Occies are a small fish with a big fish waiting to BUST out, when they do, the girl will most likely be dead.

Paracyprichromis nigripinnis would be good (I see you live in Panania - I have some nigs for sale if you go that way http://www.aceforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=48435). And Brucem has Neolamprologus similis http://www.aceforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=48401 for sale and they and the nigs would go well together and the tank's size would be okay.

Some smaller Cyprichromis (Malasa) would be okay but they require more swimming room than your tank has really, and they are a little more fiesty than nigs but may be okay.

I have a similar sized tank, a 100 L octagonal tank, and this is what I've done;




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that hex tank looks awsome craig!!! id love to see mine like that!!

i havea male and female elongatus mpanga in mine and the female is constantly holding eggs but always seems to loose them with the stress the male gives it!! so never seem to get any fry by leaving it for them to do it the natrual way!! i cant strip her or isolate her because i have no fry tank set up as yet which is a shame,(she has help 3 times in the past month or so!!) also have two albino greshki's in there!

id love to put some of the species you have mentioned in there but i just dont want to tank out the mpanga's or get rid of them, cause i dont think they wont go well in my 5 foot tank which have 5 x red zebra's (metriclima's) 5 x acie (musli point), and 5 x electric yellows and 2 x moori dolphins but all species are young....

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