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Bio Tank Advice


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i have seem mbuna breed in a 2ft tank... saulosi at about 7cm. 1 male and 3 female. so if you are lucky that could work for you. Or you could try some small Apistogramma or kribensis. Or small shell dwellers like Neolamprologus brevis, Lamprologus ocellatus, Neolamprologus multifasciatus or Julidochromis, Neolamprologus leleupi

There are many options to chose from :p

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someone on petlink was selling some occies or small shelldwellers... and i think he was in guilford. it all depends what you want. mbuna for all over tank swimming and brighter color. Or shellies for bottom coverage, less vibrant yet still nice color but completely different and friendlier (i think) personalities.

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someone on petlink was selling some occies

These are little fish with big attitudes - two footer is too small. It might be all lovey dovey for a while, but sooner or later hell will break loose and she'll be dead.

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I am currently toying with the idea of an upper Rio Negro with Adolfoi Corys in small tank. planetcatfish is a useful aid as you can click on the river and get a list of species. Catfish related of course but I am keeping cories.

Is there a small species you particulary like?

Hi all i have a spare 2 foot tank and was thinking of setting up a bio type.

Any surgestions on types of cichlids or community tank i could set up.

Thanks Owen

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You said that someone was selling some occies? could anyone give some info on that?

Ive been looking for a pair of occies for my 4 ft tang community for a while now and cant find any.

i reckon some dwarfe americans would be nice in a semi planted tank.


PS: sorry for intruding on your post. :B:zipit:

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You said that someone was selling some occies? could anyone give some info on that?

Ive been looking for a pair of occies for my 4 ft tang community for a while now and cant find any.

i reckon some dwarfe americans would be nice in a semi planted tank.


PS: sorry for intruding on your post. :B:zipit:

sorry mate. it was multi's my mistake

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oh ok :( could anyone give any sources as to where some might be still?

yet again dont mean to intrude on you post lol


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I have a number of shellie species.....including occies

If I was setting up a 2footer and wanted shellies....I'd hunt down some N.similis (and lots of shells)

They are the cousins of multifasciatus and unlike occys are step breeders....

I have multies too but similis are much prettier IMO

Over time you will end up with a real community.....fish of all sizes interacting with each other.

They wont be cheap but occys aren't either

Occys are great.....but tank set up is critical more than one pair doesn't work and removal of fry can cause the male to kill the female....

I have pairs set up in 250x250x450 tanks....end on

The Pair set up at the front(in the light) and I provide a rock pile to rear(in the dark for female to hide in)

This is against the theory of the need for big tanks....but works for me!!!

Note....these are "blue" occys....I haven't tried this with "Black" or "Pearl" occys

"Blacks" are far more aggressive in my experience....but does also work for N brevis

I also keep apisto's.....they would work too.....but most wont last long without soft water

Another of my favourite setups is West African....P taeniatus in a heavily planted tank with A gardneri

but again soft water is a must

BUT.....the similis would have to be the easiest tank to look after and easily has the most action......never a dull moment!!!

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I would post in the classifieds (and i have tried!) but i dont have access. i posted a topic about not being able but it seems to have been deleted :( AND i pmed Ged but no answer.

what do u think?

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