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amazing experience


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i had the most surprising experience today!

a friend sent me fish today, when they got delivered to my door i saw all off them bellyed up, i was so devasted seeing them motionless. the first thing i checked was the temp.it was 2 degrees, so i knew the cause. :shock: i thought i might let my friend know that the fish didnt make it , so i placed the bags in the tank to call my friend. when i got back all the fish was moving and swimming :lol4: deep breathing but moving :thumb .

now their all in the tank fingers crossed they all survive.

thats my highlight of the day! :thumbup:

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Congratulations!!! What a frightening situation - I'm glad it turned out good for you!

One question: How on Earth did they get down to 2C?

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they mustve been left in the tarmac for awhile!

it was very cold last night! but it was surprising when i got the reading of 2 , it was 5 degrees last night and it was in a styrofoam box!

i dnt know. but they seem to be fine now.

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i had the most surprising experience today!

a friend sent me fish today, when they got delivered to my door i saw all off them bellyed up, i was so devasted seeing them motionless. the first thing i checked was the temp.it was 2 degrees, so i knew the cause. :shock: i thought i might let my friend know that the fish didnt make it , so i placed the bags in the tank to call my friend. when i got back all the fish was moving and swimming :lol4: deep breathing but moving :thumb .

now their all in the tank fingers crossed they all survive.

thats my highlight of the day! :thumbup:

G'day kris_trico, that's an absolutely amazing story (with a happy ending :thumbup: )

It reminded me of a similar story that happened to the president of the Victorian Cichlid Society some time back, here it is:

I had a 3' x 18" x 18" tank with a divider in the middle and an end drop filter at the right hand end; in the first section was a small colony of Cyprochromis leptosoma mpulungu and in the furthest section a breeding pair of Julidichromis dickfeldi. The filtered water was returned via a pipe running from the filter through the divider into the Julie section, the heater was mounted in the filter section and everything was sweet. The leptosoma spawned and I had 6 fry swimming with the adults, the Julies were not producing but seemed to be getting on well so I had high hopes. UNTIL one cool day I entered the garage to see steam rising from the tank and the cover glass covered in condensation, the heater had jammed on and the water was very hot. The Julies were lying on the bottom dead yet the Cypro were all fine swimming about as if nothing was wrong. I removed the adults and fry and put them in another tank, removed the boiled Julies and shut the tank down. Some weeks later I noticed some movement in the killer tank and on shining a torch into the water found a number of tiny Julie fry hopping about the rocks. I was amazed as the tank was quite cold and no food had been given to them yet they had not only survived but thrived under incredibly adverse conditions. Not all disasters are totally bad.

Happy Fish Keeping,

Cichlid POWER, Peter.

It certainly goes to show that these fish we are all so crazy about are truely amazing (dare I say it) creations.

Perhaps this is why we love them so much, they never cease to amaze us! :yes:

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I forgot to ask what fish were they?

similis and ventralis

G'day Kris, Just keep your eye out for 'ICH" white spot which could develop after that chilling :yes:

Happy fish keeping & Cichlid POWER, Peter

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:confused: Never heard of any tropical fish telling the story after 2 dec. Your a lucky bloke.

But surly you knew they were still alive before you put them in the tank?.

I can only think the box was not sealed to get to that temp.

As said make sure you treat the tank as they should get ich ,,etc from that ordeal.

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