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Hi All,

I have narrowed down my choices. I am either going to go for a tang environment with Brichardi "kiku" and Lulepi. Or a malawi tank with A.Kandeense and maybe Tropheops Chilumba. The problem is finding these fish. I have done a search and found some people who breed Lulepi and Tropheops but cant find The Kiku or Kendeense. Are there any around. Not looking to buy just yet but i'm just interested to know.


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Especially looking for A.Kandeense. Anyone seen many around. Can get them through wholesaler but would be very $$.

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Have you looked in breeders section,The guy from Melbourne breeds peacocks is the best around Aussie I think his handle is.I had some of these years ago nice fish when 10cm +.

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his the man u need to talk to

The guy from Melbourne breeds peacocks is the best around Aussie I think his handle is

Sorry guy's I didn't pick up on who he is? I looked in register and no one with peacocks in Melbourne that I could find.


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lol...i see..thanks chris. Sent an e-mail thorugh his profile. Does anyone know what forums Aussie is active on or know if he has a website?



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