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Lowering Tank Temp?


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Hey Guys,

I have had 23 clown loaches in a 3 foot bare-bottom tank for 3 weeks at 29.5°C to rid them off the unavoidable ich that comes with getting clown loaches.

I would like to know what would be the best way to lower the tank temp to 26°C without giving them ich again?

The reason I ask is that I want to get the tank temp to 26°C so that I can just net them out and transfer them to my 5x2x2 with my other 19 clown loaches to complete my colony.



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Just my opinion but if the ich has gone then slowly lowering the temp back to the desired temp should be fine. I have read but not taken in (I need a hammer now and then) all of the life cycle of the parasite though so I will be happy to be corrected.

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something that stresses them will cause them to sloth their body slime which leads them venerable to white spot. Dropping their tank temp shouldn't be a great issue as turning the heater down will be a slow temp drop, not fast.

I would recommend just turning down the heater to your desired temp, catch the loaches out into an aerated bucket and drip acclimatise the fish to the new tank water (making sure the bucket doesn't cool with our winter temps) with an airline hose and an in-line tap.

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I think you got your point across Craig. :lol4:

If they were my fish I would turn the heater down to 26C and let it cool. A drop of 3C over the few hours it is likely to take is not very much at all. For peace of mind drop it down a degree or two a day for 2 days though it isn't neccessary.

It is much more important to acclimatise them to the new tank water conditions, so as stated earlier ( .. and many times at that! :lol2: ) put them in a large tub half filled with their current tank water and drip water into this from the new tank over an hour or two. Make sure you place the heater in there too!

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After you lower the temp, you can do a couple of water changes in to the 3' tank from the old water in the big tank (assuming the big tank doesn't have terribly bad paramaters, in which case lowering the temp isn't your biggest concern.)

Way more considerate to your fish than just netting them across. And also less likely to cause a recurrence of ich.

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