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regarding NLS thera A


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Hi All

I want to buy thera A and mix it 50/50 with the normal cichlid formula is it recommended?

Also is the thera A a everyday food ? some have said it is like medication should not be used daily ?

Please give so advice


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I use Cichlid Formula and Thera A also but i dont mix them i feed CF in morning and Thera A in evening. I do this to ensure they get equal of each, if you mix them maybe not every feed will be 50/50 (not that it would make difference just my podantic ways :wub )

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I feed it daily to my tangs and other cichlids. I've been doing so for ~12 months now.

They all look great.

I think it may have been assumed that it was only for disease as it has added garlic for supposed disease fighting qualities. Although, I doubt it (the garlic) is very much as it comes in among the last few ingredients on the list from memory (Ingredients are listed from highest content to lowest).

I don't see the point in mixing it - other than to save some $$ maybe :)

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I feed it daily to my tangs and other cichlids. I've been doing so for ~12 months now.

They all look great.

I think it may have been assumed that it was only for disease as it has added garlic for supposed disease fighting qualities. Although, I doubt it (the garlic) is very much as it comes in among the last few ingredients on the list from memory (Ingredients are listed from highest content to lowest).

I don't see the point in mixing it - other than to save some $$ maybe :)

I don't know where it comes in the ingredient listing either as I have no Thera A. However, I remember reading that the maker of NLS took research on the the amount of garlic required to provide a positive health/disease resistance impact, and he put 3-4 times more than that to make sure of it. So where it comes in the list is not so relevant. Happy for this to be clarified for those that have a fresher memory.

I personally wouldn't mix it, but go for a week or more with one or the other, that way you will know each and every fish has eaten the garlic. And eaten enough for the Gallic to be ingested in enough amounts to help. Mixed together, you can only assume. Be a pretty good assumption, but still you can't be as sure if the foods take turns.

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Can't remember exactly where it is on ingredients list either but obviously wouldn't be close to krill etc (wouldn't want it to be) but can definately smell the difference between CF and Thera A

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I don't know where it comes in the ingredient listing either as I have no Thera A. However, I remember reading that the maker of NLS took research on the the amount of garlic required to provide a positive health/disease resistance impact, and he put 3-4 times more than that to make sure of it. So where it comes in the list is not so relevant. Happy for this to be clarified for those that have a fresher memory.

Good point. Seems silly to me to add 4x more than what you need.

I rechecked online and garlic comes in about eigth. Quite abit ahead of the preservative etc. :)

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I honestly don't know why you want to. I would be more inclined to have a small jar of it and feed it, say, every third day, or something like that.


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Good point. Seems silly to me to add 4x more than what you need.

I didn't mean to imply that it was silly, the extra garlic, above the minimum amount was done to make sure that the positive benefits of the garlic had a greater chance to impact, as the research indicated the minimum amount.

so you guys think its a good thing or a waste of time mixing thera A and cichlid formula ?

or its wise?

when i say mixing i mean feed at different times

Provided you don't put the two foods in the one container it will be fine. If you put both in the one container, there will be no way to know how much Thera A an individual fish has consumed.

You could do it as Josh suggests or feed one container until empty, then feed the next food till it's all gone, then swap back again.

There is no downside, apart from the extra cost, to feeding Thera A exclusively. I don't think this will guarantee you won't get sick fish somewhere down the line, but it will be a step in the right direction.

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