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Dirty Water


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Hi Guys

I require some help. I have a 5x2x2 tank and am currently running a Sump on it. The water is never crystal clear. Front on it looks ok but side on it always looks like there are real small particles floating in it. I do weekly waterchanges approx 100litres. looks ok for a day then back to normal. I thought i was overfeeding but reduced food not any difference. When I gravel clean there is alot of brown sandy type stuff in the bucket. The coral i use is from St George Aquariums and i was thinking this might be disolving in the tank making the water dirty. I have got a picture of my sump and the coral.

Sump has spinning arm onto a sponge pad, bioballs and another black sponge. Is this the best media or are there any other suggestions or advice.

Also today i put a Fluva 305 canister in the tank to see if this helps. If it does I will buy another larger canister.

Thanks in advance, below are the pics

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well i would say, in one of your filters put some cotton wool if you want cristal clear water

maybe leave the sump as is and fill the canister with cotton wool ?

i seen some at St George Aquariums it went for about 13 or 14 $ a bag should fill your canister 2 to 3 times


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go to spotlight and get some of the dacron wadding, its the same as the fluff you buy from the aquarium only cheaper. I had a similar problem with one of my sump tanks, so i put a few layers of this on top of the black sponge and white pads that generally come with sumps and it made a big difference. I also use it in all of my internal powerheads, its far more efficient than the black sponges that come with them.

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If you are finding that a lot of debris is sitting in your tank then you may want to add something in your tank to help move the water around. From the photo it looks like it is heavily rocked and those rock will be interrupting water flow and allowing the debris to sit in the tank. As the fish swim around it they will stir it up.

Adding filter wool to you sump will help to catch the debris when it gets to the sump.


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