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Angel Spawn


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mother is Koi Marbel Veiltail

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and father is Koi Marbel

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here they are with their first try spawning together a little while back (no good that time)

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veeeeeery hard to get a good photo of these guys cause they are so small and there is so many of them

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Oh also is that the same fish that had the dislocated mouth before?

yeah it's the same fish!

I feed them freshly hatched brine shrimp. they eat like crazy!

i will be able to get them onto crushed flake and pellet soon too

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ok so tonight we decieded to move the angel spawn to a bigger tank becuase the standerd 2fter was looking a little crowded.

It took five bucket loads of babies to transfer them.

each bucket i took a photo of from above and once all fish where transfered we did an official head count.....

the results are in....

hold on to your seats....

drum roll please......























































887 fish!!!!!!!!!!!

that's right people, 887 from 1 spawn!

i can't help but gloat a little here....

here are the count photos for those who would like to confirm the count.... hahahahha (have fun, it will take you a while). each fish should have a red dot meaning it was counted

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Thats a fantastic sized spawn. Great quality koi angelfish they are too. Hard to track some like that down. Did you find you had to sift through hundreds of your run of the mill angelfish to find them?


yeah there are a lot f crappy angels out there

i got the veiltail from B & C Aquariums at Matraville (some excellent stock especially in veiltails)

the other was bred from stock we bought from Trans at Canley Vale



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  • 2 weeks later...

just some updated pics

the fry are doing really well and most are around 1.5cm now. they are really colouring up too

they eat like pigs!!!! everything and anything that goes in the tank they eat in no time.

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G'day Matt,

Good work! The little guys look great! What are they, about 3 or 4 weeks old?

And how long before mum and dad produce another 800 bubs? What are you going to do for tank space then?

I've still got that tank you were going to pick up, but I don't think it'll be big enough for you :8



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hey Lee

well i split them up cause they spawned again a week after the initial monster spawn and i didn't have room for more fry

i put the female with what i thought was another female... i was wrong. i now have a batch of a few hundred from the female and another veiltail!

she's a good breeder this one...always keen

sorry i never picked up that tank, i got one dropped off by a mate and forgot to get back to you.

i'm due to pop over for a catch up so might sort something out soon



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theyre gorgeous little things!!ive always liked a fish such as koi angels where every fish has its unique colour pattern,it must be interesting to go through them and see if you have any with unusual markings.eg.a marking that looks like a heart or a letter etc.

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Hi Matt,

Great work :thumbup:

Have you ever thought of keeping and breeding real angels? By real, I mean non hybrid ones, like pure scalare, dumerelli or the notorious altum...

It'd be good to have someone pumping those out :lol1:

I've never really been a fan of angels but since getting some Peruvians (pure scalare from Peru) I'm hooked lol.

These are mine...

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Hi Matt,

Great work :thumbup:

Have you ever thought of keeping and breeding real angels? By real, I mean non hybrid ones, like pure scalare, dumerelli or the notorious altum...

It'd be good to have someone pumping those out :lol1:

I've never really been a fan of angels but since getting some Peruvians (pure scalre from Peru) I'm hooked lol.

These are mine...

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wow ronny they are stunning!!!!!

now you've got me thinking! are you breeding them?

thanks everyone for your kind comments.

to those of you that would like some they will be ready for sale in about a month i would say.

the good thing about koi marbels is that every single one is unique.... no two are the same!



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Breeding them, I wish lol.

A friend here has been breeding them for years and I got them from him for $10 each.

The ones pictured are far too small to breed, their body is only the size of a 20c coin but the heights of some of them are around 12cm.

They're alot more impressive when older.

Chuongy has some adults that have spawned but I dont know if he's had success with fry yet?

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Very nice spawn, no mortalities since the count? Must be doing alot of water changes. The Peruvians are awesome!

there have been some runts...maybe 5%, and actually some of the runts have started to due in the las week. they are tiny the ones dying. i'm planing on culling the runts over the next few days anyway

i've been doing huge water changes though so the water ca keep up with all the fish

i've split some into another tank too

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