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Current Cheapest Aquarium and best buys


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Hi Just want to start a forum on what you think is the cheapest aquarium youve been to and the best buy youv got. This will aid in helping new and experience aquarists whats out there at the moment and what is a reasonable price for a your fish. So by taking time to post you will be helping others and yourself by reading whats available.

For example this what I have seen since researching for my tanks

PET 04 (Annandale) - Red Empress promtolmelas taeniolatus 6.95

Total Marine Aquarium (Moorebank) - Alto Calvus (black variety) 29


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Your thread is a good 1, but you have forgotten 1 important thing.

This forum is for enthusiasts, thus the price is cheaper than LFS.

Although some on here do think they are LFS with prices similar to LFS.

LFS have alot of overheads, such as staff, insurance and etc, etc, etc.

While this site is great for those to seek cheaper fish not always the case.

Hope this helps all.


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Your thread is a good 1, but you have forgotten 1 important thing.

This forum is for enthusiasts, thus the price is cheaper than LFS.

Although some on here do think they are LFS with prices similar to LFS.

LFS have alot of overheads, such as staff, insurance and etc, etc, etc.

While this site is great for those to seek cheaper fish not always the case.

Hope this helps all.


Yeh i just thought it might help some people starting off

Plus there are some fish that are pretty hard to find and the only way to get them in is through LFS

I understand that a breeder will always be cheaper but some of the prices that i found while setting up have bettered breeders - plus i have vary few people who breed in my area that post on petlink plecofantics ect.

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I think the breeders section should be fixed / updated for hobbyists to find breeders / fish they want

At the moment, it's all over the place, the oldest date comes first and there's no way to find if the list is updated or the breeders still exist :shock:

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mate anyone on this forum will tell you to steer clear of LFS! they are horrible over priced places that sell under fed, under nourished skinny as s disease infested fish. buy private.

Welcome to ace.

Bit of an unfair comment.....

I've bought privately and been extremely Happy.....I've also been disappointed

Never bought a fish from a LFS that I've been disappointed with.....if they disappointed me I didn't buy them!!!

Buying privately is cheaper....but I like to go into a shop....look around and pick(and sex) the fish I want to buy....or walk out if they are not Good enough

Most fish were originally sourced from a LFS

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mate anyone on this forum will tell you to steer clear of LFS! they are horrible over priced places that sell under fed, under nourished skinny as s disease infested fish. buy private.

Welcome to ace.

No idea mate. :roll

LFS allow you to see first hand whether the fish is healthy, colourful and active. Sure sometimes you get the odd sick tank, but find a reputable aquarium and that won't matter to you as long as you don't insist on buying that fish. If you buy a fish and it dies majority of LFS will replace it or sort something out if it is their fault, obviously not if it is your fault.

Yes you get the aquariums who employ young teenagers but some of them actually do know their stuff if you can spend the time to listen. Some of the managers actually know their stuff to if you care to be open minded.

Buy private and unless you are lucky if your fish dies you are left with nothing, you don't get advice and you don't often get to see the fish beforehand.

There are pros and cons for both, I understand that and you can just as easily write back a dozen negative things about LFS, but do us a favour while you condem them to death and stop buying from any other store, whether that be for food, medicine or furniture. Rather buy it all over ebay. :lol4:

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I have recently set-up a marine tank and everything except for the substrate was bought through my LFS. He was cheaper or as cheap as the online stores and as added plus I am now getting discounted prices for the purchases I am still making.

It does pay to use your LFS.


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I think the breeders section should be fixed / updated for hobbyists to find breeders / fish they want

At the moment, it's all over the place, the oldest date comes first and there's no way to find if the list is updated or the breeders still exist :shock:

I totaly agree thats one of the reasons why i made this forum as well been looking for some breeders and its been practically impossible i am not sure because of the fish im interested in are hard to find or not

promtomelas sp. "stevini taiwan" - havent found breeder

copadichromis azureus 4 - havent found breeder

cynotilpa afra cobue 4-6 - havent found breeder

bristle nose catfish not pleco 4 - found breeder

what have you experiences intailed?????????????????????

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The its up to the breeders to update what they have, the Mods dont have time to do it. It would be easier to put a WTB in the classifieds to find fish as most people who use the breeders register seem to think its there to advertise what fish they are keeping not just what they are breeding.


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mate anyone on this forum will tell you to steer clear of LFS! they are horrible over priced places that sell under fed, under nourished skinny as s disease infested fish. buy private.

Welcome to ace.

No idea mate. :roll

LFS allow you to see first hand whether the fish is healthy, colourful and active. Sure sometimes you get the odd sick tank, but find a reputable aquarium and that won't matter to you as long as you don't insist on buying that fish. If you buy a fish and it dies majority of LFS will replace it or sort something out if it is their fault, obviously not if it is your fault.

Yes you get the aquariums who employ young teenagers but some of them actually do know their stuff if you can spend the time to listen. Some of the managers actually know their stuff to if you care to be open minded.

Buy private and unless you are lucky if your fish dies you are left with nothing, you don't get advice and you don't often get to see the fish beforehand.

There are pros and cons for both, I understand that and you can just as easily write back a dozen negative things about LFS, but do us a favour while you condem them to death and stop buying from any other store, whether that be for food, medicine or furniture. Rather buy it all over ebay. :lol4:

No idea you think? i been doing this for 11 years so me thinks i have some idea mate. i voiced my opinion on fish shops, not yours, mine. If you want to go in and pay $30 for an electric yellow then be my guest. But ive met far too many breeders and seen far to many fish bought and sold privately to not have this my preference. this is not to say ive have never or will never buy live from LFS, but i steer as well clear as i can. And as for you comment about food, medicine etc. i buy online as its cheaper because they have no overheads, but not that this is any concern to you. And can you please tell me why it is doing you a favour if i dont buy from an LFS? or where you just being a smartass because you think you can? :cryblow::dntknw::raisehand::lol3:

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There is definatley some LFS that I would avoid like the plague in Sydney but I certainly wouldnt tell people to not buy from a LFS. I love my local who is extremely helpful and always looks after me with regard to discounts. Yes some things are dearer but they need to make a living and I personally like to browse a shop and pick what I like the look of.

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There is definatley some LFS that I would avoid like the plague in Sydney but I certainly wouldnt tell people to not buy from a LFS. I love my local who is extremely helpful and always looks after me with regard to discounts. Yes some things are dearer but they need to make a living and I personally like to browse a shop and pick what I like the look of.

Where do you normally shop at, is it crystal palace

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mate anyone on this forum will tell you to steer clear of LFS! they are horrible over priced places that sell under fed, under nourished skinny as s disease infested fish. buy private.

Welcome to ace.

Bit rough comment there mate, my preferred lfs is a single man owned and run establishment, his prices are better than some I have seen on the forums and his fish are better quality too than some I have bought here and elsewhere online. Not only that he buys off local breeders and pays what he pays the wholesalers.

I guess that he has only been keeping and breeding everything from discus to tangs since 1974 and refuses to sell anything that does not meet his high standards means that he does not make your muster in the lfs category.

Rather than put a relative newbie off going to lfs (the place where many of us first developed our love of fish keeping) recommend some that are worthwhile.

For the record, I also have an idea with 23 years of keeping experience.

John, if you are ever heading up the central coast drop me a pm and I will show you a couple of pearlers around my way.

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I sell my fish at reasonable breeder prices based on what others are charging and i just cover expenses and electricity. So I understand their prices as they do have massive overheads. If I am not impressed with an LFS' fish quality I don't buy from them but there are good shops around. I buy most of my supplies and food on line as do a lot of other people so I'm sure that the shops would be losing a lot of hobbyist and breeder business because of that.

My opinion would be like any other business, if I'm not happy with their products or service I go elsewhere.

I like the idea of this topic though to promote good deals at LFS'.

My 2 cents, Cheers :thumb

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mate anyone on this forum will tell you to steer clear of LFS! they are horrible over priced places that sell under fed, under nourished skinny as s disease infested fish. buy private.

Welcome to ace.

Bit rough comment there mate, my preferred lfs is a single man owned and run establishment, his prices are better than some I have seen on the forums and his fish are better quality too than some I have bought here and elsewhere online. Not only that he buys off local breeders and pays what he pays the wholesalers.

I guess that he has only been keeping and breeding everything from discus to tangs since 1974 and refuses to sell anything that does not meet his high standards means that he does not make your muster in the lfs category.

Rather than put a relative newbie off going to lfs (the place where many of us first developed our love of fish keeping) recommend some that are worthwhile.

For the record, I also have an idea with 23 years of keeping experience.

John, if you are ever heading up the central coast drop me a pm and I will show you a couple of pearlers around my way.

No offence dude, but living on the central coast is a big difference to living in the city. My local LFS has excellent customer service, the owner had great knowledge of fish/ species and they have and excellent range of stock. But all their fish is over priced, probab;y due to the fact most of their fish have waste or are dead and stuck in their filters. An as for my experience this seems to be the norm. Im sure your lfs in the middle of the coast are great, like the shop next door. unfortunatly its not like that in the city.

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I guess that's why my lfs gets folks that travel from Lithgow, Blacktown, Singleton just to buy Neil's stock.

That said I wasnt born and raised up here and have plenty of fine establishments in the city that I still frequent and often buy stock from to bolster my colonies.

Anyway this is getting away from what John was after so I will add:

Black Pearl/15cm E. yellows/$20 ea

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I guess that's why my lfs gets folks that travel from Lithgow, Blacktown, Singleton just to buy Neil's stock.

Echoing the above comment serious keepers are willing to travel. I'm more than happy to do day trips to Sydney (from Canberra) just to have access to the range (and not to mention savings of 30%-50%). Man you guys have it lucky..... :8

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