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Cycling at low temps


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The bacteria required for cycling have an optimum temperature range for reproduction. From memory I think below 18C the colonisation starts to slow down. Can't remember what the upper limit is.

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Thanks, well if my heater order dosent show up till next week at least I can fill them up and get the ball rolling

Anyone know if there is a low temp when the bacteria will start to die off?

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Maybe there are different types of bacteria that live at different temps? I don't know the exact reasons, but assuming that because it works somewhere else can be risky. I am guessing that different bacteria thrive at different temps.

Are going to be adding fish to the tank, without a heater or are you fishless cycling your tank? By monitoring your parameters you will know when your tanks cycle has finished, If there is a noticeable change in parameters after you add the heater, then you will know that the heater was needed.


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Fresh water to salt water there is a different bacteria. But I don't think the same can be said for fresh water at different temps - unless perhaps they are extreme (zero - 50+). For example changing a cycled goldfish tank over to tropical will only require the addition of the heater and removal of the goldfish and I would not expect a cycling issue (provided a similar bio-load is put in). The only negative I can see will be the cycle time may be longer as metabolism slows down at lower temperatures.

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