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new tank... what to do


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so, i pretty much sold out of the tanks i had before and currently have 2 (down from 60+). its been great not having to do the work i used to need to do, but my aim now is to get myself a good display tank. i have an area to play with. its about 6ft by 6ft. currently i am very seriously considering a 180 x 120 x 75 (lwh) tank, and i have a quote on that glass at around 2k. before i outlay that though i still have to work out what i will do for a stand, and also what i will do on filtration.

for the stand, at this stage i am thinking i will just do a welded metal tubing stand. my uncle has 40 odd years metal working experience, so he should have no issues throwing something together. i can then put wood over the front. if there is better ideas though, they are most welcome

for filtration, well this is the annoying part. i just dont think any of the filters i kept will do this job as i would like. i kept 2 2x1x2 filters with spinning arm over bioballs along with a 4x18x18 in the same style. sadly i just dont think they will have the volume i need to keep this clean. especially if i get bigger fish. so the question is what will i do to filter 1600 litres or so. do i do mini reef again which is handy as i have a stupid amount of bio balls and matting, or do i change. at this stage i am considering going with spinning arm mini reef (4x2 or so) in conjunction with a large canister filter

another thing is what will i fill it with. currently thinking of going to the dark side and getting tank busters. that or large americans. still i have thoughts of a tang setup as well. i still have my malawi fix with two tanks in my garage. i will likely get a general community 4x2 or 5x2 in my lounge room to satiate that need. so its just the three options really for this tank.

have my own ideas, but realistcally the best ideas tend to come from left field. so hoping to hear some good ideas. especially from those with tankbusters, as I am a large fish virgin still.

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Hi Gav, I would definately use a sump for that beast. My tank holds roughly 1700L and I use a 4x18x18 although a bigger wouldn't hurt. My fish choice would be a tang community tank (of course), how about something like foai and sandsifters which will love all that sand and floor space. A nice school of cyps up top and some shellies etc. on the bottom.


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I second Bruce, go the tang community setup - some ventralis/foai/furcifer etc. as the main feature along with some enants, juli's, brevis, calvus, cyps and gobies :wub the options are endless but that is what comes to my mind with a tank with that footprint :yes: or possibly a location specific tank like mentioned in the general forum.




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Hi Gav

I would be looking at a trickle sump like the one you saw on my 8x2x2

The size of this is a 4x2x2 sump and works a treat

Filtration as you know is the key to success with any tank fish room ect

If you have room under your stand go for a 6x2x2 sump

As for fish its more your choice

A nice theme tank Malawi rocks , or lake tang tank would be nice

and if your not to anal mix and match

I have some silver dollars in with my Saulsoi and 6bars all doing well

and thats my choice

Hope that helps



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I agree with parkesq about the SA setup. Can't go wrong with some Geo's and larger exotic type pleco catfish( Royals and the like :wub ) I'd love to see a bigger support of SA cichlids on the forum not just everything about african's. As some people know I have now sold up all my african cichlids and will just be keeping my SA's and catfish. I will also be setting up a SA bio type setup for display in a 4x2x2 soon. My big tank will come next year( 12x3x2) but it will be a marine setup most likely.



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after seeing some of the recent pics in the photo forum of geos, i am REALLY leaning to towards them at present. them with some catfish and discus and maybe the odd fast moving fish (silver dollars or the like).

now i just have to find a whole lot of wood and plants. also find someone with nice geos n large catties ;)

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that size tank would look amazing with a massive woodern center piece covered in anubius and java moss. The rest of the tank could be open water swimming with a sand substrate.

I have set up a Geo tank and it is by far the best display tank I have ever kept. Not to mention you can add big schools of tetras, silver dollars, tiger barbs etc, to give the tank some movement.

My other option would be an Malawi display with big colonys of Mbuna. plenty of yellow and blue, but that then means that you need to go silly on lighting to make it nice and bright.


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you should give that tank to me thats what you should do haha :p

if you end up going through with it def post pictures of the process

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josh, i agree, wood with plants on it would be awesome. just have to find the right piece of wood now. that sure as heck wont be easy.

for mbuna, i sit next to a 6x2x2 full of malawis every day while i work, so i dont really need another one at home.

will absolutely do pics when it gets done. more fun if i can look back on the process once its all complete. main focus right now is getting the concept right, and once i have that all set in my mind i can move forward.

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I dont think the rocks of a malawi or tang set up match the colour combination you can get with a planted SA tank with nice driftwood and the talk of geos and discus sounds almost appealing enough for me to overhaul my setup and get one massive tank for display 10x3ft +. I think the green and brown of driftwood and plants mixed with some nice SAs looks a whole lot better despite the colouration of african cichlids, the rock just doesnt look at good considering we live in a world which is fast turning into a big rock of concrete :D

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Just a thought you could go with two seperate mini reefs more area for bio filter and attach a uv.

If you are thinking about fearture plants have a look at the rainforest.

Rainforest Garden

It just about fits width ways into a standard 4ft tank and has quiet a variety of anubius variations on it.

Just a thought.


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Thought of a massive native tank?

Stream bank - mangrove roots and vegetation growing out of the top of the tank ... schools of rainbows for colour and movement ... eel tail catfish, or tanadas ... perches ... gudgeons ...

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As much as I love Tangs, I'd love to see a big SA tank setup with big fish (Geo's), heaps of wood and some plants, discus, a few catfish etc.


This is exactly what I am doing.....

I have filled a 4fter with anubius "rainforrest gardens" the XXL size ones, It is still cycling but when it is done, I will add 10 puntius densionii, some discus , botia kubutai loaches, some L046s, L018, L014, L047.

might add some microrasporas sp. galaxy but am tempeted to just have a little 2fter breeding tank because the denisonii will probably get to them.

In my opionion stay as far away from african cichlids as you can.....

you would probably get away with 28 degree temperaturs and weekly 25 percent water changes. Dont use chemicals if possible ;)


Mike (soft water enthusiast)

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gee whiz mike, anyone would think you are over the malawi bug and some sort of rare catfish nut these days :p

soft water will be the aim for sure, though 400 litres a week water changes is something i cant say i look forward to in winter.

what catfish get to a size that is large enough to avoid the attention of large geos or the like?

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Hey Gav,

Some nice geos would look pretty good.

cheaper plecos that would be ok:

Gibby or Albino gibby (if you like mutants)

Common pleco

L001 goldspot

more expensive type plecos that would be ok

They would have to be about 12-15cm already tho

Panaque spp. (L027,L190,L191, L330)- the real panaques not the panaqolos genus (dwarf panaaque) - Wood/veggie eaters

Baryacnsitrus spp. (L018, L047 etc)- omni/carniverous

Scobinancistrus spp. (L14, L048, L172 etc)- omni/carniverous

Pseucocanthicus spp. (L024, L114 etc)- Carnivoerous


Hypanciatrus (L333, L046 etc)

peckoltia (L134, L135 etc)

panaqolus (L002, L104 etc)

ancistrus (BN types)

to an extent, unless you feel they can hold their own.

I've seen a really nice photo of a Geo tank with a colony of full grown L014 sunshine plecos (scobies). Looked awesome :thumb

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I'd put a pair of stingray and some tank mates depending on what you like. Could be cichlas, gars, aros, or large geos.

For filtration, I'd go with a 6ft long matrix style sump filled with matting, wool, and matrix. Each end of the tank will have an overflow that goes to each end of the sump. The return will be in the middle of the sump/tank with 2 pumps.

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well tank is now ordered, and the metal for the stand has also been purchased. the stand will be getting made over the next few weeks. once i get a chance to see my uncle, I will get some pics up of its progress.

for fish, i think i am 99% certian now i know what i will do, and thats the south american style thing. geos, severums, maybe the odd other large and relatively peaceful american as well. will also put any large growing catfish i can get my grubby little hands on as well. will likely not put in the cichlids till later, start off slow with some bristlenose, then add stuff a bit at a time. the one thing I don't want to do is rush it. might also set up a tank to hold stuff just in case some nice deals come along.

for filtration, might combine a couple of the filters I already have, and that should give me enough volume to keep the tank clean.

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damn. what relatively peaceful cichlids other than eartheaters allow plants? can forgo the sevs if i need to, but really want to get some hardy plants in there!

i guess at this stage i probably should also ask what plants would go with eartheaters. at this stage i have a few anubias already. what else can go well and actually manage to stay alive?

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