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and as for your clove oil comment... i also worked at a fish farm... we anethetised 1.5Kg Bass in a 10mL/L solution... and trust me... you did not want to get a whiff of pure clove oil... it sent one farm assistant sprawled accross the floor!!!

I don't think oil of cloves smells that strongly (speaking as someone who use to use it on just about a daily basis). And yes, this is 100% pure clove oil.

Didn't know Benzocain would kill fish; will keep that in mind.

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PGR: The death is the punishment in the chair... It's just that US efficiency being what it is also made it a less than humane death.

Folks, make it simple. Total, instantaneous cranial destruction is about as instant as it gets for any species and should do the trick.

If you're a vet or otherwise able to access sodium pentathol, fluothane (yes, massive overdose is required) or similar exotica then I am sure that you can euthanase in a manner that makes you feel good about the dearly departed.

Sadly, we're going to have to 'finish off' some of our too-ill fishy pets sometime and we're going to choose methods that better suit our individual comfort than those of the livestock. If you're gentle, then please make the effort to be more brutal for the sake of kindness.

Cheers - OziOscar.

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i agree with ozioscar completely. I hate watching anything suffer, and although I find it almost impossible to whack my fish when they are suffering (to kill them), its about the only fast and painless way that I can come up with to put them out of their mysery.

I've come to the conclusion that its not about me, its about the fish that is being eaten alive cause he's too weak to swim away. I've taken to placing them into a plastic bag and using the handle end of an hammer/mallet for one swift whack on the head.

Then i wrap them up well and dispose of them - having them already in a bag makes disposal easier.

I've only had to do it twice in all my time as a fish owner and wouldnt wish to do it any more often.

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I tried the Ice slurry last night as I had a silver dollar with a rather large tear... (Damm Oscar smile.gif Got some ice crushed a bit and then add salt and water, a little stir and poped the little fella in, 5 seconds and it was al over.....

Ant unsure.gif

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I once tried to euthanise a couple of medium sized carp using the ice slurry method. Had to resort to the club method as it didn't work. Presumably it's a lot more effective on tropical fish.


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Take a sharp fillet knife, and take its head off in a clean cut.

I have always found this method a little more humane than the club, simply because in watching people with a club on a fishing boat or jetty, inevitably, the fish moves, and every so often you miss. And you end up bludgeoning a fish to death with several blows, which dont come in quick succession, as you continually stop to check if it got it that time.

ps. I have never had need to euthenase a pet fish. Hopefully I never will!

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I went to a chemist the other day and asked for Benzocain for use with my fish. The guy just looked at me funny and said that he didn't sell it in the quantities that I wanted.

Was this guy just being rude to me? (I expect so) and has anyone else had any success in buying the stuff and what is it actually used for normally in humans?

I think it will be useful to keep on hand because just the other day I had a socolofi get stuck in one of the holes that go into an ornamental shipwreck that I have. He lost a couple of centimetres of scales up both sides of his body in his attempt to get in before he stopped. Then he left it to me to get him back out again. Luckily I succeeded in getting him out (with the use of force) and he is on the mend now. The reason why I am telling this story is because for 5 minutes I honestly thought he had no hope of getting out without me cutting off his head (which I would have never done because I am such a whimp). So the most humane thing I could have done would have been to use the Benzocain (which I don't currently have).

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I went to a chemist the other day and asked for Benzocain for use with my fish. The guy just looked at me funny and said that he didn't sell it in the quantities that I wanted.

Unless you had a prescription, if he had given it to you, he would have done it illegally, could have been jailed, and most certainly deregistered. Benzocain is a Schedule 4 drug, and supply without a prescription is illegal.

It is present in small amounts in various things, such as mouthwash for sore throats, but that would be useless for your intended use.

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Nothing is impossible smile.gif

I once needed to get some flagyl to treat Hole in the Head in some oscars. In a display of sheer desperation I ended up going to a medical centre to see a doctor.

When she asked me how she could help I spilled my guts and told her the whole story, what I wanted and why I wanted it.

She laughed, laughed again, then laughed some more. But after I picked her up off the floor (have you ever tried to explain HITH to a non-fish person???) she wrote me out a prescription because she could quite obviously see that I had a genuine need for this drug.

This doctor did not need to do this, but did it to help me. She was by no means obligated to help, and from a legal point of view probably shouldn't have, but I was certainly encouraged by her willingness to help me out.

I went to the chemist, handed over my prescription, and had no hassles obtaining the flagyl.

In hindsight though, I would suggest going to a vet perhaps. They are less likely to laugh at you whistling.gif

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But isn't it therefore impossible to get it then?

No it's not; you just need someone to authorise it. For example, in commercial applications, there might be a supervising vet.

Benzocain is also a local anaesthetic, which can potentially have nasty side effects if misused, hence the restriction.

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...what a classic post to read! everyone has their own opinions, and mine is, and I

agree with ducksta, 'off with their heads' biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

Hopefully will never have to do it though....... sad.gifsad.gifsad.gif

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Clove oil and vodka is a common one (clove oil is available in the dental care section of the chemist) and it is listed in a lot of older style veterinary drug manuals for fish.

AlkaSeltzer is also mentioned, but i think thats an american trade name huh.gif Does anyone know the active?

Apparently they can recover from that nicely, like a regular anaesthetic, so OD is usually to the extreme.

Isoflurane overdose is common. Fluothane is outdated, i dont know of anyone that uses it anymore. POSSIBLY might use Sevoflurane, but thats very new and expensive, so probably not worth it.

Pentothal i have only heard of in Koi given intraperitoneally, and the stress of a relatively large needle is not something i would like to subject a small tropical to! *lol* Dont know if you can do that as a bath...

Chopping heads off is quick and easy for the fish if you can hold it still. To hold a wet fish, hold it down with a wad of wet kitchen towel, that way they cant flop around madly.

I personally cant stomach this method... not even for eating fish!

Freezing ONLY works for tropicals and should really only be used when a fish is on deaths door, otherwise they can spend hours slowly freezing to death in the dark. A sick fish (severe bloat, lethargic to the point of needing poking to swim, etc) should have less ability to cope with the change in temperature and should succumb pretty quick.

A goldfish can last HOURS in the freezer, so do keep in mind it depends on what tpe of fish.

HEY! i'm glad to know i'm not the only one who goes to my doctor for medication! Far cheaper than the vets *lol* and you get to thoroughly confuse the poor suckers *tehehe!*

Isnt benzocain in a lot of pimple/acne medications? Benzac 2, 10, 5 etc etc etc? If you can find it in the right carrier, it might work. Possibly in an alcohol base?

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to use benzocane it needs to be dissolved in alcohol as it is insoluble in water. personallly i wouldn't bother trying to get it i would just use clove oil. does the same thing and is commonly vailable. a mill or two in a bucket of water and the fish won't know what hit em.

just to clarrify freezing a fish and using an ice slurry are two completly differant thing. in an ice slurry the fish is killed pretty much instantly(if it isn't the slurry is not cold enough. the slurry's we make at work are so cold if you put your hand in it for a second or two it will go red and feel like it is burning. granted it probally doesn't have to be this cold for most smaller fish) where as freezing is a long drawn out process of slow down the fished metabolism.

cheers James

by the way i never even thought of going to a doctor to get med's and stuff. might have to give it a go one day

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Saw this link today. Its from the RSPCA for killing lobster (not the same I know)

LOBSTERS and crabs should make their way to the dinner plate via a quiet descent into frozen sleep, and not by being boiled alive.

That's according to the RSPCA, which today issued new guidelines on the humane killing of crabs, lobsters and other crustaceans.



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