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Bristlenose Eggs and Fry Development


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Hi all,

I recently had a little too much free time on my hands which coincided with a bristlenose spawn. Thought some of you might like to see these:

Day 1

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Day 3

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Day 4

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Day 5

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Day 6

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Day 7

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Day 8

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Absolutely Fantastic set of photographs Skippy. clap.gifclap.gif

Your patience has certainly been rewarded with the stunning effect of showing their evolution. yes.gif

Well done mate and thanks for sharing. thumb.gif

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I was only talking to my wife the other day about doing the same thing you have done.

Great photos, the bristlenose cave make it easy too


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blush.gif Thanks all for your kind words. These are by far the best shots I've managed, though there were plenty of out takes. Credit must also go to Matthew's fantastic breeding caves thumb.gif , without them these shots wouldn't be possible.
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