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In my classroom i hope to do a trial on attaching anubius to drift wood. I am yet to find some wood but would like to know of some quick easy steps that the kids can follow.


PS: Have looked in FAQ but not quite as much info as i'm after.

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Ok..lol..thats it? You dont have to push any roots in the grain of the wood or down gaps or anything?

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I use small black cable ties. I have many anubias and I find it won't attach to some types of wood as it just grows the roots out into the water.

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aren't they plastic with a wire insert in the middle? or am i getting it mixed up with some other wire thing that you get when you buy a USB cable and its tied together?

Edit: Ah hah! raisehand.gif after a google search, yes i now know what cable ties are. LOL.gifLOL.gif

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Once you have a packet, you wont be able to stop finding uses for them...

Thats so true!

I always keep them in the back of the car when 4wd'ing. Its saved our lives many times.

and lol @ nova....i think those things are called pipe cleaners....horrible for holding down anubis. But great for making stick-men smile.gif

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I go the sewing cotton option as it disintegrates by itself after a while. Sparky (cable) ties have to be manually cut off once the plant is attached.


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i think those things are called pipe cleaners....

Pipe cleaners are different again. They are fuzzy with a wire insert.

Nova was thinking of those ties which used to seal bread bags until some bright spark invented the plastic clip/tag thing which we have now. He's right, they have a wire insert and a flat plastic outer. They are often seen on young plants holding them to a stake.

I guess the advantage with black cable ties is they wont fall apart, yet would be very hard to spot amongst all the roots. I once tried this with elastic bands and when the elastic finally broke down and the band fell off, the plants floated away LOL.gif

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I have a range of sizes. I get them from the '2 dolla' sort of store near me. Very hand for keeping the cables on the computa tidy.

The other handy thing is they come apart with a jewlers screwdriver if you are so scabby you want to re-use them (like me).

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I used fishing line once...never again. When the plant died, the line became loose and fish were caught in it sad.gif If it is hidden, you can't monitor the tension in it. The cotton rots away and is a safer option IMO. Rubber bands rot and some fish eat them. I had a firemouth with a bit of lacky hanging out once...thought it was a worm of some description until I investigated after it had passed woot.gif

Andrea smile.gif

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Thanks guy's. Now I just have to find some wood. What should i be looking for?

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Now I just have to find some wood. What should i be looking for?

It's often made from timber.... tongue.gifLOL.gif

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Adrea thats cruel

But the bit at the bottom, just right of centre looks best, might need to cut it down a bit first..

Really buit mangrove roots are good, or if you get a bit of wild wood from a forrest, clean it very well, i wash mine in bleach for a week , and then fresh water every 3 days for 2weeks

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Sorry mate hug.gif

I would have thought that there would literally miles of weathered wood out your way. Anything from a clean bush environment around the town should be ok.

Andrea smile.gif

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Yea, plenty of it. Ill get the kids to go for a walk. The back of our school is just red dirt, salt bush and stunted gums.


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  • 3 weeks later...

One more for the Cable ties , I am 43 years old and only discovered cable ties about 5 years ago, I always felt such a large part of my life was missing !!

Never mind I went and bought a plastic carry all from Bunnings and filled it to the top with different size ties. Never felt happier since!!



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