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Off topic - some recent zoo pics


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Been doing a bit of zoo photography lately so thought I would post a couple of favourites.


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A parrot potrait

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Life's a beach for a californian sea lion

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Painted hunting dog

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A Pallas Cat

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A maned wolf

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No introductions required for this

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and finally a warning of what happens if you eat too many eggs at Easter.

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Have a good Easter folks.



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I'm stunned laugh.gif

Brilliant shots all of them clap.gif

I think the pick of the bunch for detail is the flamingo, but the seal keeps my attention for the longest.

The monkey creeps me out a bit. It looks like a freaky monkey / spider hybrid LOL.gif

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Thanks for your replies. It was diffiuclt to pick a favourite as I have been taking many shots lately. I thought I would add another as I'm sure none of you will have seen one of these before...lol smile.gif

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Some of my favourites were actually a pack of painted hunting dogs feeding but they are quite graphic images and certainly not suitable for vegetarians or if you have just had your breakfast. If you stomach is settled then you can find them here.




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WOW! - Is that L glass you are using - um the 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM ??? I love zoo shots where they don't look like zoo shots - I love the lion and the parrot shot...

Thanks Simon. You guessed the lens correctly smile.gif



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