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My tank Rack


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Firstly my stand...8 2 foots made by the man himself! (although purchased off another member. Its run of an air pump. Although I have only fixed up 4 tanks so far. Need to order some more equipment for the other 4.

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My lizards and their tank

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My Nannochromis transvestitus.... Very hard to get a good photo... sorry its blurred

# To be added when i can work out what the hell photo shop is doing! #


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Really nice work Adam!! Cant wait to see the whole rack system up and running. are they going to be indivially filtered? or plumbed into a sump?

Have u got heaters in each tank? or in every 2nd tank? I thought maybe the heat from the adjacent tanks just *might* be enough to "heat" the middle tank. definitely will be a few degrees lower tho, but I have done it this method before and it has worked. If u want to save on heating cost that is.

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3 tanks have heaters, one tank has white clouds. Tanks im not using will have white clouds until i need to put something else in. So that way ive always got some bacteria in a tank but no heating cost. individual filters btw


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Its all run by air filters, and those pieces of wood were ones that were in a tank i took down. So they'll probably be put in one of the tanks on the top row. The tops for parents the bottom will hopefully be for fry.

Glad you like it


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The little one you can see is one of the only 2 fry ive ever raised. That is a Pelvicachromis taeniatus "Nigerian Red" very similar to a krib except differently coloured. I also have a pair of Pelvicachromis suboccellatus "matadi" and the rest are randoms or dithers! I hope to get some more pairs and maybe some breeding bristles but moneys very tight right now so ill have to be patient.


Ps. didnt check to see who wrote the last post. I know you know about Pelvicachromis Ged! Thanks for the compliments all the same.

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Yep its got centre supports and funny you mentioned Baz as he made this one as well.


My respect to the man, I built one of his stands and it has been great. My only complaint about it is that there isn't enough space between the tank top and the next tank, making it hard to get a bucket in there.

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You just need to make the rack taller wui, to allow a bigger gap between rows wink2.gif

The measurements I used were chosen so that I could fit enough rows in between floor and ceiling smile.gif

Glad to see the rack is still going strong Adam. It was made here in the mountains, spent some time at Marsfield, and is now and your place. I like the paint job!!

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