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What fish is this ?

Guest Polarrr-

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Guest Polarrr-

Hey im new to this forum smile.gif

a mate led me onto u guys

and thought u might know what type of cichlid this was

user posted image

it is extremely aggresive and has already killed an oscar of simalar size cryblow.gif

and likes to dominate the tank

any idea of what it is would be good smile.gif

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Not lombardoi I don't think. Too many stripes.

I'd guess there's some greshakei or rtbb mixed in there somewhere.

Where did you get him from and what was he sold as? Can you remember the name or part of the name?

Unfortunately many zebs look similar and have the red in the dorsal. It doesn't look like any pure species I've seen, but as merjo said it might be in the process of changing colour.

I SUSPECT it probably came out of a "mixed african" tank at a shop, but more pics would help, and pics of other fish of the same species if you have more than one.

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Guest Polarrr-

just a pet store up here at strathpine qld

i cant remember the any part of the name

other then that it was an african cichlid

and its been that colour ever since i got it about 1month ago

he is very aggresive to other fish he killed an oscar when i introduced him into the tank within a day had eatin all the oscars fin's/tail/dorsil fin off leaving the oscar on his side at the top of the tank just floating and breathing

only fish it got on with was a tangerine which was submissive under him but when he got removed the tangerine filled his shoes as king pin

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I agree with Andy's reply.

They always come around... laugh.gif

From the second pic I'd guess a rtbb zeb. Not sure if they show those dark lines on the front of the pectoral fin usually?

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