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Something strange has just happened I placed my hand in the water of my tank and got an electric shock that hurts a fair bit.

But all fish are normal and plants are normal.

This just started happening when I implemented my UV canister, though this problem did not happen earlier in the day.....

And my other aqua1 canister is normal I dont get a shock when i put my hands in the water......I switched off the UV canister and i didnt get a shock. But when I switched on again and put slippers on then it was all ok.......

Am i right thinking either canister is leaking electricity which I assume the fish would die or also the carpet is moist and electricity passess through my body.(bare in mind I have an aqua1 and another UV canister in the tank and only happens to the UV canister)

My best bet is that the floor is moist but it has not happened before with my aqua1.

I have

Aqua1 cf1200ltr canister and

Resun 2800 UV canister.



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I agree, it is more likely your heater As for when you got shocked in relation to what else was on, did you notice whether your heater light was on at those times?

A power leak in a tank wont affect the fish as there is no grounding of the current, or something like that.

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The likely culprit is the UV steriliser as this has just been added.

But its more likely to be the heater.

If it were me I would do the testing without the UV connected. If there are no problems then it is the problem. If the problem persists then I would check the heater. Then consider the cannister.

PS. these things can be deadly! Be very careful!!! shock.gif

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Yea i turned the heater off and problem is still there, But when I stand on the other end of the tank, then I dont get a shock, cause i think the carpet is dry there, its really odd.....

Im guessing some sort of leak comming from canister in contact with the wet floor from previous water change.......causes some reaction???????


The likely culprit is the UV steriliser as this has just been added.

But its more likely to be the heater.

If it were me I would do the testing without the UV connected. If there are no problems then it is the problem. If the problem persists then I would check the heater. Then consider the cannister.

PS. these things can be deadly!  Be very careful!!! shock.gif

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This just started happening when I implemented my UV canister, though this problem did not happen earlier in the day.....

i'd go for the UV canister, it didn't happen earlier because the water leak is only very small, and it has had time to come into contact with electricity.

turn all electrical items off, turn the heater back on and test, if ok, turn the normal canister on, if test is ok, turn the UV canister on, if this is where the problem is leave it off.

if this item is only new, contact the supplier and clearly explain what is happening.

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Though when I stand on the other side of the tank then its ok, i tihnk it might be canister, though i cant understand why when i put shoes on then nothing happens, Ill try again later when floor drys up



This just started happening when I implemented my UV canister, though this problem did not happen earlier in the day.....

i'd go for the UV canister, it didn't happen earlier because the water leak is only very small, and it has had time to come into contact with electricity.

turn all electrical items off, turn the heater back on and test, if ok, turn the normal canister on, if test is ok, turn the UV canister on, if this is where the problem is leave it off.

if this item is only new, contact the supplier and clearly explain what is happening.

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No water spilled on power point, and yes I do know that , but it has never happened with the other canister???

did water spill over the powerpoint? And if the carpet is wet, you do realise that water is a good conducter of electricity, right?

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Yea guys I think its the canister cause ive tested it all and the UV canister must be leaking somehow....cause everything is normal perfect, and I cant figure out where the leakage is comming from the filter...........

Cause this can be a big issue Allot of ppl have bought this filter and shops are using it as well........

but it has never happened with the other canister???
Mate thats a good thing, it means your other equipment isn't faulty blink.gif

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What model is it mate? So we can all look out for it! And be aware if we are using 1/a few.

I don't think it is doing anything wrong if you tell us what it is that *may* have a fault. You might save someone else some troubles, or their life !!!

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Im not saying its a bad canister or Sh@#t brand cause this maybe be one of a kind case and my situation is diiferent. Il like the canister very much its does the job perfect, And its not really 100% faulty cause I do know that I have some moisture near electricity, so other than that its a great filter

RESUN CY280U UV canister 2800 ltrs an hour.....

I think once my carpet drys then theres no problem at all......

What model is it mate?  So we can all look out for it! And be aware if we are using 1/a few.

I don't think it is doing anything wrong if you tell us what it is that *may* have a fault.  You might save someone else some troubles, or their life !!!

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That wont solve the problem at all!!! You have a current leaking somewhere! Whatever it is leaking the current (seems to be isolated to the UV), it is FAULTY, and could KILL YOU!!! You might remember to always wear rubber soled shoes when you wet your hand, but what if someone else gets thrown across the room and suffers major injury or death? Not something I'd want on my conscience!!! Knowing I left a potentially deadly electrical applience leaking current into water!

Take the unit back, get a replacement!!! You are well within your rights to do this, and it may save your, or someone elses, life.

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Ducksta is spot on with his safety advice.

The problem needs to be fixed if you want a safe fishroom thumb.gif

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Yeah i agree its not worth killing yourself over. Ring the supplier and tell them what happend even if you don't get a replacement or a refund you can always just have it to tinker with when you get board(Nowhere near tanks or water/not plugged in) and you get to walk away with your life.

What good is waitiing till the carpet dries? if it gets wet while doing waterchanges thats once a week that your floor has moisture so dont do it to save a couple of bucks as your going to be putting your life in danger once a week no.gif


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That wont solve the problem at all!!!  You have a current leaking somewhere!  Whatever it is leaking the current (seems to be isolated to the UV), it is FAULTY, and could KILL YOU!!!  You might remember to always wear rubber soled shoes when you wet your hand, but what if someone else gets thrown across the room and suffers major injury or death?  Not something I'd want on my conscience!!!  Knowing I left a potentially deadly electrical applience leaking current into water!

Take the unit back, get a replacement!!!  You are well within your rights to do this, and it may save your, or someone elses, life.

Not to mention that if someone else gets hurt you are liable in civil courts due to negligence, especially because you've publically stated your aware of the problem. Dont be stupid mate. Get it fixed!!!

If this sounds harsh...let me explain.

I am missing a finger on my right hand due to a faulty piece of equipment in one of my tanks, and also due to my ignorance (i was 11 at the time). I suffered serious electric shock (well and truly over 20 seconds of 240v) and have scars all over my right hand from third degree burns. not too mention the lack of pinky finger. Guys I am VERY lucky to be alive...but see me as living proof not to mess with your faulty aquarium equipment. I'd hate to see someone die, or get hurt. And I dont perticularly like the idea of a fellow hobiest being made bankrupt due to litigation.

Sort it now mate!!! shock.gif

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Correct me if I'm wrong but I seem to remember from my High school days (Many Moons ago blush.gif ) that its not the voltage that kills rather the amperage the voltage is delivered at dntknw.gif

IE, 240V @ at 0.5A = slight tingle and 240V @ say 200A = Well lets not go there no.gif

Mind you I also agree that there is a problem and you need to address it quick smart yes.gif ANY leaking current regardless of how many V or A should be fixed esp around water



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Hi All

Thanks for the advice taken and absorbed the I am taking the canister back,,,,,,BTW I have seen LFS use this canister placed next to tanks and near water so if you are going to LFS beaware of a big blueish canister also cause lfs has water on the floor every now and then........

Cheers all

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The one thing I wouldn't recommend you do is "test" the problem by getting shocked.

One piece of equipment that everyone should own in a fishroom is a multimeter. I have seen cheap ones from about $15 at Bunnings. Simply set it to AC voltage, earth one end and stick the positive into the water. Switch each electrical item on and off and it will be obvious where the problem is.



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The one thing I wouldn't recommend you do is "test" the problem by getting shocked.

One piece of equipment that everyone should own in a fishroom is a multimeter. I have seen cheap ones from about $15 at Bunnings. Simply set it to AC voltage, earth one end and stick the positive into the water. Switch each electrical item on and off and it will be obvious where the problem is.



Apart from the safety comments so far, this has to be the best advice yet.

Water and electricity dont mix and shouldnt be taken lightly. Get rid of the faulty equipment asap and remember all this great advice if there is a next time.

And yeah, the fish wont be affected by the current as they are not earthed. You are getting a shock because the current is passing through you into the water on the ground. Where the carpet is dry you dont get a shock cause there is no-where for the current to earth to.

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if youre getting shocks you obviously dont have a safety switch(earth leakage detector) fitted to your fusebox ,id highly reccomend you get one fitted,especially people like us who like messing around with electricty and water,i would also hazard a guess that if it was a marine tank you probably wouldnt be with us anymore-we'd hate to lose you!

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