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New Wildcaught Tropheus pics


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Hi everyone

Due to the total lack of any Tropheus pictures being put up lately, I thought I should post these.

These are my new colony of wildcaught Tropheus moorii Nkonde Yellow I bought from Jim yesterday. These are adult fish and around 25 fry that are in with them. The water in the tank is still a little cloudy so the pics are a little off.

Their new home

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Some of the group.

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The fish

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Its good to see theres plenty of interest in Tropheus at the moment. I hope it say's around for awhile



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sweet fish indeed... clap.gif

Is it a revival or is it that the people that have them are getting more and more of them? How many newbys are there to the adictive and highly satisfying Tropheus club...?

But who cares really I just love seeing these guys, after getting my latest i seem to just sit on the floor stariing at them trying to figure out their social structure and learning all their habits..

Keep the fantasic pics comming all!

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I think we need a bit of a revival of Tropheus worship in this forum! clap.gif Great to see a fellow brother spreading the word on how great these little fellas can be!

Didn't take u long to show off these gems! I think they would have been worth every cent u spent on them. And it was no mean feat to get them all the way to Shell Harbour unscafed!

Now that u r the sole distributor of Nkonde Yellows do u need a business partner to help u deal with the demand for fry that u will have in the near future?

Bring on the pics!

I am working on posting some more Tropheus pics tonight so stay tuned!

We might get banned from this forum for excessive Tropheus exploitation!!!! tongue.gif

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Nice one Josh!!! thumb.gif

They look absolutely unreal mate. They're big buggers aren't they. The colour on those dominant ones is outstanding. Forgive me Jim, but their colour in these shots looks brighter than the last time I saw them. No doubt they like their new home. Congratulations and have heaps of fun with these big, beautiful fish.


PS Come on Tropheus keepers, lets keep the pics coming. Even if we have seen your fish before doesn't mean we don't want to see some more. As a Tropheus keeper, I love seeing pics of them on the forum since you can't just walk into any old lfs and see them. I'm sure other keepers of rarer Cichlids feel the same way. So lets all get out little Trophs on this forum for all to admire woot.gif .

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Thanks guys

Dave I left home at 4.00am and the pumps got switched on at 5.00pm. It was a long day, but very worth it. The fish pulled up fine all are eating bar one that was bashed pretty bad before I got her. I only got one leak in a piece of PVC pipe i put a join on and it didnt seal but a bit of silicone and its all sweet.

I hope I do end up needing a business partner. If there that much demand for fry I will be very happy indeed.

The funniest things is, I found a small fry, about 2cm, in the weir of the tank I bought from Jim. Nothing unusally about fry being in there, but the tank had been stripped for 8 days and it lived 3/4 inch of water that was filthy dirty, had no food and the temp variations would have been extreme shock.gif It blows me away how resilient these little guys are

The way things are going, we will need our own sub-forum soon wink2.gifthumbup.gifwink2.gif

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8 days and it lived 3/4 inch of water

yep they are a lot Tougher than a lot of people think wink2.gif

i had one of my young 2" males smash on with the dominant male in my tank, he was so shocked that this little one was having a go it took him some time to realize what was going on LOL.gifrolleyes.gif live and learn laugh.gif

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