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More Tropheus Pics with tank mates


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great shot of the illangi(i think thats wat its called...hehe), the pic really shows off its colours and detail of the paterns on its body

greatwork clap.gifclap.gif

slinky thumb.gif

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Very nice Dave

That water in the first shot is way too clean. laugh.gif

It might be time for me to get the camera out again.

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Thanks guys for all your kind words!

Still trying to take the perfect photos!!!! Will post some more when i get the hang of it!

In case your wondering?

Description of Photos from top to bottom:

1. My new 4 foot 450L (incl. mini reef) curved tank custom made by Xtreme Aquariums!

- my 38 strong ilangi F1 colony (from Jim) thank u for their new home!

- water clarity achieved by mini reef, 2 Eheim Prof II 2028, 18 watt Coral life UV clarifier and purigen. Most importantly 50% weekly water changes!

2. Close up of the ilangi colony - they r now handfed to avoid food getting down the weir woot.gif

3. Another close up - fiddled with photoshop, looks a bit oversaturated!

4. Ilangi extreme close up. I don't think this one is holding but most likely holding its breath. Still too small to be breeding! LOL.gif

5. Golden Kazumba - see the gold markings on the cheek!!!

6. Ikola showing off its colours.

7. Eretmodus cyanostictus juvenile loves the Texas Holey Rock!

8. Julidochromis Regani from Nigel!

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Nice photos Dave you will have to come and give me some lessons. As I take lousy photos. LOL.gif If your interested I have 3 variates of gobys on the way all wild caught. shock.gif So let me know if your interested.

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Awesome shots mate, when i see pics like these I am very tempted to take the dive into Tropheus.


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Parrdog....haven't heard from u for a long while. Give me a call if u want to come over and check out the new tank and pic up the rocks!!!

Nigel....i am still learning how to take good pics. Luckily we have digital photography now so we can afford to make mistakes without burning through film! I have recently purchased a Canon Digital SLR 350D camera with a 17-85mm lens. It is not the best for macro shots so i am waiting for my macro lens to arrive. Hopefully with my new toy, my pics will be even better.

What variants of goby cichlids are you getting? Any pics? Can they be kept in the same tank without interbreeding? I might be interested in some so keep me posted!

Daniel K.....they r far from perfect shots and u know it!!!!

Anthony....i think u should take the plunge and join the Tropheus gang! We never regretted it!

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Hey moliroman....if you dont mind im taking your 4th pic (the one with the illangi close up) and setting it as my wallpaper. lol......even if you do mind, thats too bad, cause its already my wallpaper........ LOL.giftongue.gifLOL.gif

Thanx mate

slinky thumb.gifthumb.gif

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Slinky, i think i will have to charge u for that!!! LOL.gif

I am sure u can find better wallpapers to use. And i think no picture is as good as the real thing so call up Jim and do yourself a favour and start your own Ilangi colony...u won't regret it ( i guess your wallet will though!!! shock.gif ).

When i get my macro lens i will try to post some better pics.

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Thanks for the compliment mate!

I think very often it has nothing to do with the camera but everything to do with the subject. Tropheus r damn difficult to take a photo of because they never stay still! I challenge anyone to take a good pic of a Tropheus.

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