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Fish Room


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We have almost completed our fish room at the school and I though people would like to have a look at how far we have progressed. I will plumb the room next week so that each rack is operational.

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I would like to thank all ACE members who have supported us with both advice and fish. In particular I would like to thank Yellow, Ducksta, Zulu and Little Swimmer.


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The one problem I see is that its too clean for a fish room. LOL.gifLOL.gif

Seriously it looks good Gerard

Ducksta remember its gotta hold more students then fish.

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Not only do I have to fit the students doing Agriculture but the Art Department wants the students to do drawings of the cichlids. This will mean that we will need to fit approximately 24 students in on the odd occasions.

There also room for another three 3 foot tanks on the left hand rack. Once the benches go in I will be able to fit another two 6 foot tanks.

Yes it would be great to have a rack down the middle but that defeats the purpose of getting as many students involved at the one time. Getting them interested in cichlids is the aim.


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Well done Ged clap.gif

Methinks we will be seeing plenty of your former students at the Cichlid Society meetings in years to come. yes.gif

Fantastic!!! thumbup.gif

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Awesome stuff Ged, you'll have to send me what ever material you develop regaurding what your teaching the students that relates to the fish room. In the future id like to be involved in something similar.


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I would like to thank everyone who provided the school with fish last night. As well as the people above I would also like to thank Chipimbi and Matthew for bring along some very nice juveniles. They have been introduced to there new home in the fish room and have all settled in very well. They were a bit timid this morning when I went up but after a couple of minutes were swimming around quite contented to be watched.


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The room looks great.

Let me know how the Hongis settle in.

I would love to pop up one day once you've got the room running.

Maybe you should hire out your services.


Michael thumbup.gifthumbup.gifthumbup.gif

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Well done with the fish room. I wish our school had something like this it is awesome. You will get half the school with fish tanks now, which is great. I don't know what your plans are but just a suggestion is that you should breed cichlids in the fish room then give some of the students with tanks some baby fish once they are about 2cm long. Permission note home with parents signature is a good idea to make sure the kids have the right set up.

Well done


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