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Id this fish please ?


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Its definately not a fire-blue, Alan.

The photo is very dark and hard to distinguish exactly.

My thoughts are firstly Fossorochromis rostratus - fairly sure.

But could be (due to dark photo), Champsochromis spilorhynchus.


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It's a dodgy pic, but my first thought was a big old red empress (taeniolatus), or possibly a red empress cross (with rostratus? laugh.gif ).

Is the fish yours John? Can you get better pictures?

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Totally wrong head/mouth shape to be a rostratus, doesn't look like a Champso either IMO, could be some sort of hybrid?

Body shape "kinda" looks like a venustus or livingstonii, kinda looks to have the blotchy colour pattern too though the pic ain't clear enough.

Just throwing around ideas, I'm no african guru. Just one of my mates locally has all of the fish I've mentioned & that's what it looks closest too IMO.

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the pic is dodgy but i do see why rostratus was mentioned as there is one in the bottom left of the pic but to me it looks like a hybrid (rostratus x kadango red) going of body colour and shape it has a rostratus mouth on it but the kadango body so be my guest and decide.

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OK, Tks for replying. As much as i like Lee's id, I think it is a cross between a F -rostratus and a venustus. I got them as F. rostratus and they were a lot more silver. But as they grew they have gone darker with more barring showing. Yes its my fish Andy, have not had the heart to toss it so its in my display tank.Tks John

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