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Fact or Fiction?


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Is it true that a fish in a bigger deeper tank will grow quicker than a fish in a smaller tank with both getting the same types of food and the same amounts of food. I know its a pointless question but ive heard so many different things on this topic id like to hear from you guys. Benno

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also on yew and duckstas answers its a well known fact that big koi release a growth inhibitor into the water -small fish = small appetite, this has also been observed in other species , so a big tank would dilute this and shows that water changes remove more than just nitrate, ive also noticed that with 50% weekly water changes on my fry tank (rather than 25%) the growth rate has increased, so big tanks with regular water changes= big fish

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Big tanks with larger surface area & good water conditions =faster growth. But u can have[ small fry] small tank and good water conditions that grow as fast.Thats what i find.John thumb.gif

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Another twist is how I grow my fry.

I have large surface area fry tanks (4ft x 14in or 18in floor) but they are only 6-8 in high.

This way, the turnover rate is 2 or 3 times that of a standard 4ft tank. The tanks are connected to the central sump and get a high flow rate (equivalent to what I'd put into a normal 4ft).

This seems to work well, and I reckon much better than a deep tank, as they are getting more clean filtered water from the sump than they would otherwise, as the "old" water gets returned to the sump much faster.

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andy , do you think deep water makes fish feel more secure? there must be swim bladder issues as well, you hardly ever see fish in the wild in 18 inches of water apart from trout, and i believe fronnies are found in no less than 60ft of water

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