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egg tumbler


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DIY egg tumbler

Using a uplift tube form a under gravel filter and some mesh cost $6

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you only want the eggs to be just moving around the bottom eva so slightly you just need to adjust the air accordingly

have fun if your going to have a go only took about 15min

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interesting design, with my quick emergency one that I made a couple months ago I had the bubbles underneath the eggs...I haven't checked the official DIY version but what's the best meathod anyone?

Thanks for sharing



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I use the one on the sydney cichlid page.

Jebe do you find the fish can get under the bottom of yours and get the eggs through the mesh?

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hmmm...just a couple of issues that I can see tho.

1. the tubler being so close to the substrate means it will suck the waste outta the gravel and onto the eggs/mesh...this may be why you have a few bad eggs in the tumbler.

2. If you raise the tumbler off the substrate the other occupants of the tank will be able to eat the eggs.

The bubbles over the egges, rather than under the eggs, is a great way to tumble. it is much more gentle on the eggs and you are actually drawing water over the eggs to tumble them rather than bouncing the eggs with air-bubbles. Just the way I found it, having tried both.

The tumbler on SCP is hard to beat and never lets me down. I find the survival rate goes up even further, specially with messy tanks like the Tropheus, when you run a tumbling-tank specifically for the tumblers rather than leaving them in the tank. Because there is no food in the tank or fish-poo, there is very little that gets trapped on the mesh and causes rot/fungas.


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Here is the DIY I did for the SCP:

DIY UG uplift tumbler

Same basic principle as pics above. The only comments I can add is to make the tumble area taller than the one Jebe did, so the free swimming fry have more space. You can leave them in the tumbler for several days after they can swim on their own. Also, you need to put another bit of screen at the very bottom to stop bristlenose or other fish from sucking the eggs through the mesh.

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thanks guys

yep there are quite a few variations of this little fella going around, this is only my second attempt at tumbling eggs and the first with this design

sadsmiley02.gif Which of the eggs do you think are no good??

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Hi jebe,

The eggs should be an "egg-shell" consistent colour. Any whitish areas should be treated as suspicious and probably indicating infertile eggs. If they have "fluff" too, then they are fungused (is that a word?) and need to be removed asap before hey contaminate the other eggs. I'm guessing that within two days or so, most/all of the eggs in the pic. will have disintergrated...sorry for the bad news sad.gif

merjo smile.gif

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Yes I think you might be right merjo

Im down two 6 eggs out of 14

I suppose it’s too hard to find out who’s at fault??....... mum? Or dad?

one good thing is the 14 eggs came from one girl clap.gif

but its not much good if there not fertilised cryblow.gif

thanks merjo and the rest of you guys who helped out


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I suppose it’s too hard to find out who’s at fault??....... mum? Or dad?

hmmm...nope, more likely to be you. Maybe you jumped the gun and pulled the girl before they had finished what they were doing??

How long did the girl have the gob-full?

What species are they(this may be the factor)?

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(I waited two days after I noticed her chubbiness) laugh.gif

The reasoning for tumbling the eggs was that I was having girls with nice fat faces and then a few days later they were gone

This happened for about 3 months with about 5-6 different girls so I wanted to find out what was going on

The fish are well over a year old and the two fish that I have taken eggs from, the numbers where 14 and 15

I personally have only had the fish for about 4-5 months and have only had the one successful mouth full

They are “Tropheus sp. "Black" (Siyeswe)”

thanks for trying to help guys thumb.gif

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Jebe, what is the actual age of the Tropheus?

I found that my duboisi(Maswa) took 18-24Mths, and about 5 or 6 practice runs, before they held full-term. I have tried tumbling the Tropheus eggs a few times and unless I tumble the eggs in a seperate tank I find that I lose quite a few eggs to rot. My suggestion with the T's is to just leave them alone and they will get it right in the end but I do understand how frustrating it is seeing a mouthfull on Monday and by Friday it's gone.

hungsta, I have used the SCP tumbler for Fossi's and acei so I think as long as the actual "Tumbling Chamber" is large enough you can have as many eggs as you like. It is possible to levitate the eggs, by using a good tap, a few mill's from the mesh and this means the eggs do not have to be flying around smashing into each other and getting damaged.


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The next step before stripping after a couple of days is to separate the female. Get a nice big ice cream container and make a fry saver out of it.

Catch her after a couple of days and float her in the tank in the fry saver, and see if she holds for a couple of weeks.

It may be because she is getting hassled by the other fish, she is losing the eggs. By the looks of the picture though, I'd say the boy is not getting enough sperm to the eggs to fertilise them properly.

They'll learn if given enough time.

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All eggs have failed to develop cryblow.gif

Thanks for all the input guys very much appreciated clap.gif

I’ll leave em be for now, back to uni on Monday that should keep my mind of them for about 2 seconds laugh.gif

Thanks again


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Man that's tough - especially being tropheus eggs sad.gif

I'll cry with you, long distance cryblow.gif


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