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WA trip: Marine mammals D70 pics

Willy Wombat

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Some dolphin pics from my recent Perth trip.

This was on the Peel Estuary near Mandura.

Nice place- took a few with the normal lense and a couple with the big zoom. What do you think of the results?

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And some strange scratches - a boat collision perhaps?

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Cheers WW thumb.gif

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Great shots mate!!!

I really love watching Dolphins frolick around in the wild, i reckon theres not much around thats more graceful and relaxing!!

Cheers, Alan.

P.s, i'll have to dig up my baby dolphin pics i took in bouganville when i was over there.

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They say you can identify individual dolphins by the nicks in their dorsal fin, just like they do in whales with there tail flukes. Your close ups show that it can be done.

Great shots.


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Merjo - took plenty of pics under the jetty. They are in a seperate thread. Check em out! Sorry i never got the chance to come round to meet you sadsmiley02.gif

Alan - Wild dolphins are relaxing, but a little frustrating when they wont pose for the camera. I must admit that while fascinating, im not a huge fan of dolphins in aquaria (like sea-world).

Ged - one of the dolphins was easy to ID because he has a big cut in the top of his dorsal fin. Two of the four that i saw on the day looked very similar, but im sure individual IDs could be done if you knew a litttle bit about the population.

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Great shots WW.

How do you find the D70 compared to your Fuji? Any feedback would be helpful to us all. I know you only had it for a short time, but I'll probably ask you again in 6 months time.

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Yeah early days, but first impressions would suggest a significant difference fins.

Obviously this new cam is much more professional and offers more new features (like detachable lenses and maual focus). The digital SLR features are very good, and the cam is much more responsive, with very little "shutter lag" compared to the fuji. For example, i would never have been able to take so many pics of the moving dolphins using the old cam, because they would just not have turned out. (difficult to frame a moving subject with old cam) I may have fluked 1 or 2 but a whole series like i got, would have been a pipe dream. Its so nice to depress the shutter and then the image that i had lined up turns up on the display feature.

One interesting difference that i miss from the fuji - is that the fuji would briefly display the image i had just captured in the view finder after i took the photograph, whereas the Nikon does not offer this feature. You cannot review images through the viewfinder, only on the screen at the rear of the cam. So I have to take my eye from the viewfinder and look at the back of the camera. (a small difference i know) but when you are trying to capture action shots its nice to be able to keep your left eye on the subject whilst being able to review your last shot through the view finder with your right eye. Oh well i will just have to come up with another strategy.

The extra mega pixels are nice, but they might be challenging for people who dont know photshop... The images are very large.

The fuji did not use a rechargable batery but the nikon does. Im very happy with the battery life in the Nikon and the rechargable feature will save me money on AA bateries, as the fuji churned through them.

I miss the short video option on the fuji but not too much!

Also - for the very first time in my history i have read through half of the users manual for the new cam. It has so many buttons and options that i would have struggled to remove the lense cap before reading. Ok that comment was a little bit over the top, but you get the idea. Complicated. I look forward to playing/experimenting with some of the other cam features soon.

But yeah - ask me again in six months. Hopefully the proof will be in the wonderful photos I display on ACE. tongue.gif

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