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Suggestion for the admins


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Hi Guys -

Wondering whether this idea has fins.

Would it be worth setting up a FAQ forum? No posting in the forum - but selected old threads - with their main subject listing edited to reflect the content?

So you might have:

Filtration :: Trickle filters

Filtration :: UGF

Feeding :: live foods I

Feeding :: live foods II

Feeding :: good commerical foods

Diseases :: white spot

etc etc.

Feel free to ignore me wink.gif - but I think this might be a nice option so we can refer ppl to a well-rounded discussion of topics more easily. If you need a volunteer to setup such a place I'd be happy to help (though I'd need some of my old powers back - but I dont want admin access or anything).

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I like the idea thumb.gif

I agree that we already have a faq page, however judging by the number of repetitive questions we get across the board, I suspect it's not a resource which is being used to its potential.

I feel that a 'forum' style faq such as YeW has suggested would be less daunting and a little more user friendly for newbies.

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There is soo much useful information on this site but I agree, every week someone asks the same question, many times these are in the FAQ but many not but very well addressed in earlier articles.

Something like FAQ-o-matic would be great.


What it is

It looks a bit lame but it works very well.

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I agree with Yew that there are number of topic that keep up. It has partially been addressed by the pinned topics at the topic of ach forum. For example in the technical forum.

Important Topics

  Pinned: Favourite filters (Pages 1 2 ) a list of recommended's

  Pinned: Which fluorescent light tube? (Pages 1 2 ) Do you use and recommend?

  Pinned: a list of recommended foods (Pages 1 2 3 ...4 )

It seems that there is two places to look at these types of topics

1. FAQ on the home page

2. Pinned topics.

If it is all located in a central place it would probably make it easier. People could quickly rattle off topics like Dave that are of common interest to all.


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trust me, no matter how lame it may look it sure would beat slogging through pages of old forums trying to find quality stuff. It all depends on how well it works! I would certainly prefer some automation to this process, as its extremely time consuming.

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The beauty of doing it here on the forum is that you can search it via the "search" function. Mark I compiled that list wink.gif - its not really been added to since I did it last time (with Duck's help).

A forum version would be easier to edit (for most folk also).

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I like the idea.

But I also like the current basic HTML style FAQ.

The problem as I see it, is that people dont use the FAQ we already have (which is essentially only for threads from the old forum sites) blush.gif , nor do they use the search to find existing material still contained in the current forum unsure.gif , nor do they use google zipit.gif .

IMHO I can't see another catalogue of interesting threads and discussions would stop previously covered topics coming up again. The reason I can't see it working is because for it to be a success, it has to be USED by USERS LOL.gif

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I agree Ducky, but it's easier to teach people to go to a different 'forum' than get them to click the faq link.

Human beings in general do not like change and will often choose the easiest or most familiar option.

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Yes but BaZ, what I am suggesting is that people already neglect the search feature on the existing forums. Now you want them to visit a different section and use the search?

Its just my opinion but I dont think it will achieve the desired reduction in repetitive posts.

I think it will be good for the older users (like me) who remember something vaguely and want to check it out which I do often.

I just think it may be alot of work to setup if it is not going to be used.

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I agree with Ducksta here. The FAQ is well indexed but needs to be categorised. There are many repeat questions on topics that are here and could be found with the search function but the questions still remain.

Perhaps this is a result of the effectiveness of the forums in that everyone knows they will get a quick response to their questions so as a result they will get a response faster than if that were to troll the old posts.

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Hi Mark -

I still think the idea of a ForumFAQ archive forum (what a mouthful) is a better one than the alternative.

Duck said:

Now you want them to visit a different section and use the search?

John my understanding is that you can search "all" forums not just one. So there's no need to visit a second section. Also, when you search for a term ie: charcoal - you might get lots of posts that mention the term - but if see that one of the threads is a FAQ thread, you'd be more inclined to use it first.

The ForumFAQ as it stands can't be searched.... so regardless of how its organised, there's no search feature for it.

Mark - there's certainly nothing stopping an update of the ForumFAQ as it currently stands. This would put Gav's work to good use... but I think what I am proposing improves upon the idea for future FAQing. The man himself seems keen on the idea wink.gif

I also agree with Mark and Duck, in that ppl sure need to learn how to click on 'Search', but if they do learn this skill then having the archive here in the forums would be more useful - as they'd be able to narrow their search if they chose too.

I'll repeat my offer of earlier - I'm happy to work with Gav/Duck or anyone else to get this up and running.

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Now you want them to visit a different section and use the search?

This is the problem we have now. People need to go elsewhere to find answers, and like Dave said you cannot search the faq anyway.

Once this is set up we would just need to teach people to do a forum search first before they ask for help.

That search would give them access to all the wonderful posts in the faq forum.

Surely teaching them all one skill is easier than teaching them 2? laugh.gif

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Mianos -

It might be possible to get the "Forum FAQ forum" to appear at the top of the list and in red or something on the board search feature... this would be a great addition to this idea... promoting the archive in 'search'.... though I may have made Ed's job harder LOL!

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What about a product review forum....it would make it alot easier for those setting up new tanks etc to decide what filters/pumps etc to buy. It seems alot of people (like me)are unsure about cheap brand filters, and it would be quicker and easier to compare filters head to head and read brief reviews on each filter.

Anyway just thought that might be something to think about as an extra part of the site.



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Hi Dave -

While we could have a list of recommended products, I think its unwise to discuss any brand in open forum negatively as it creates legal issues for the mods and admins. That kind of chat is best PMed.

A 'forumFAQ forum' would be a good place for a "recommended" hardware listing though!!

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Hi eaglebarrett,

I think what Dave is trying to say that if people start saying xxx brand is poo etc. etc it will have some legal repercussions...anyway back to the subject at hand...

I don't use the FAQ in it's current form so I think Dave's idea has merit, although I do like the article section and find it easier and more grammatically pleasing to me. Exactly how to make the FAQ better is eluding me atm but I will give it some thought. I know Gav is working hard trying to make sense of it..so hopefully we can pool our ideas and come up with a cunning plan laugh.gif

merjo smile.gif

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A search function for the HTML based FAQ wouldn't be overly difficult to implement IMO. I will get Gav working on that straight away. Somehow integrating the existing FAQ (even with the search) into a new forum based FAQ search might prove a hindrence.

Anyway, good to see some open and intelligent discussion on the issue.

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