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ACE BBQ. Sydney


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OK I have got the dirt from my legs (dusty area) and Jess is smelling like a green apple again. So here are some that I have taken for the day

Some crowd shots

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L to R is

Front row

YeW & Chipimbi

At the seats

Julian (1/2 for griffin) Nik (YeW’s better ½) Jess (other ½ of Griffin) Brigita


Kram Colfish DanielK & Sooty

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The Bilby Boot throw

Teamsherman steps up to the plate

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Kram, Sydney's star with a massive 35m chuck His warm up shot went 28m, the next best from the boys was 25m

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OK we may have cheated with the 6 year old and let him throw from the 10m mark, but we reckon he got it 18m wink.gif

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Jess tries to beat Brigita and nearly knocks out some partiers to her left. Brigita was the dark horse of the day with a massive 25m chuck. Next best girl shot was under 20m. There were longer shots but then went into the negative or were so far to the left or right they didn't score well LOL.gif

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My Jessy dog

Not another sausage! I know! I'll stash it in the dirt for later.

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I just have to get this nose full of dust to cover it I should be right

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All up. A great day with nice people clap.gif

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Yeah, what a fun day it was.!

I came there pretty early and i didint know where the bbq was lol, i spent one hour looking for it, i was about to give up then mark ( cichlids au) spotted me smile.gif

There were some very nice sausages!

Thanks to the sponsors for the prizes, i won a tin of coulorbits and i won some Placidochromis phenochilus Mdoka 'White Lips but i didint have tanks big enougth for them so i didint wanna be slack so i let them be won again by some one else.

It was great to put faces to names.

The turnout coudive been better but oh well, good enougth.

I really enjoyed meeting you people smile.gif

Thanks to the A.C.E this BBQ coudive happend and tanks to all the sponsors again.

cant wait for the next one


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Hey hey,

Great shots Mark and so quickly loaded and commented on.

Finally.......home. Had to go via Cherrybrook and have coffee with the Nanna smile.gif

Yep great to put faces to names, had a few snags....cooked perfectly by sausage man himself - Gav. Threw a boot - really badly, not a skill I ever intend to master laugh.gif . Had a piece of mudcake wink.gif and won some spirulina soft and moist for guessing something......what I can't seem to recall.

Funniest moment of the day had to do with Dave (Yew) and some raffle tickets. Won't elaborate as it would only embarass. Suffice it to say it brought us to tears.

Great day all round, weather perfect, company enjoyable and yes would have been made better if a few more (especially those that said they would) had turned up - but what the heck they missed out not us LOL.gif



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It was a great day, nice to put a few faces to names.

I think I am feeling the boot throw now (it may need a few phy. visits to get it operational again blush.gif ).

Oh was there a prize for the boot chuck?


again for Mark and all the guys involved for orgfanising the BBQ.

Look forward to the next event.

I think I'll have to start practicing to defend the boot throwing title. laugh.gif

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Funniest moment of the day had to do with Dave (Yew) and some raffle tickets. Won't elaborate as it would only embarass. Suffice it to say it brought us to tears.

I will!!!

We were supposed to write our names on the raffle tickets so we could have one drawn out of the hat for the major prize (thanks sooty!!) and Dave a.k.a YeW, wrote his name on both tickets so he would "know its my ticket". Funny thing about it was, he was the only dave there!!!! and he wanted to make sure it was his ticket by matching it with the one he had also written his name on!!! LOL

Overall a good day with good company, good food and good weather!!!

Thanks Auburn Aquariums for my Hydor prize (internal filter). And thanks ACE for putting on a great lunch/day!!

Cheers, Alan.

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The day was wonderful.

I feel cheated! Cheated I say!!! I was unaware of the (wind unassisting) modifications that had been done to the boot! ohmy.gif If only I had known.

The dave story. Methinks Dave was trying to make real raffle book style tickets, hence he had his name on two edges of the piece of paper, in preparation for the said piece of paper to be torn in half. I cannot make a better quote than that already provided by Yew on the day, "Its scary to think this is the result of seven years at Uni" blink.gif Very funny stuff indeed LOL

For next year I shall be working on the guessing the number of algae waffers in any given container and of course I will obtain one of those specially modified boots to assist me with the training regimen I will have to undergo.

Jess was absolutely hillarious to watch as she was hiding the sausage! cool.gif Oh yes and the dog was fun to watch as well blink.gif LOL

Methinks this will become a great event in the future as more people actually show up and with such great prizes on offer I was amazed that more people didn't . blink.gif There were some serious dollars available.

Next time around there will be more people and the event will grow but the odds of me actually winning the boot throwing will dimish even further.

To the Organisers, A Great Day, thanks for making it all happen thumb.gif

cya Matthew...

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Glad to hear everyone enjoyed themselves. Unfortunately I couldn't make it as my wife had organised something previously.

Most of it involved laying pavers and chopping down trees. Its a great idea being able to meet and put names to faces or vice versa.

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I couldnt make it as sitting here now is the first time I have been able to sit up since Saturday morning.

I had to go to my sisters and was planning on rocking up probably after lunch just to say hi. But I woke up in immense pain.

I am horribly ill. I don't know where it came from. Anybody know if there is a super violent nasty flu going round at the moment?

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OK so our winners for the prizes for the day were

user posted imageThe Bilby Boot Throw winners were

Kram in the men’s comp & Brigita in the ladies. Their results will be compaired with the other locations to find the winner of the prize.

Thank you to Dave for such a great comp.

The first tin of Tetra Bits that were donated by user posted image was won by YeW.

The second tin of Tetra Bits that were donated by user posted image was won by DanielK. Thank you Ben for your continued support

The Internal filter donated by user posted image was won by Teamsherman.

The Digital thermometer donated user posted image was won by cosmiccreepers.

The HBH spirulina donated by user posted image was won by Chipimbi.

The 250ml Prime donated by user posted image was won by Nicloe.

Thank you Anthony for your support

The 10 x Placidochromis phenochilus Mdoka 'White Lips' donated by user posted image was won by DanielK who resubmitted them due to a lack of tank space. The final winner was Colfish. Thank you Gareth for your support.

Thanx to the four sponsors who helped make this event one of the best I have had the privilage to organise.

I would also like to thank all the people that helped make it happen and the members who participated in making the day what it was.

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What a great day. shame not many turned up. Can't believe how difficult it is to get people to come for a day of free food and drinks..... but still those that turned up enjoyed themselves. big thanks to Mark for organising this. hope we have a few more!

group shot of the Sydney one..

from the back left it goes Kram, Colfish, MikeW, Sooty, Cichlids_Au, Chipimbi, DanielK

middle row Yew, Julian, Nic, Jess and Brigita

front row Matthew, my nephew Jeremy and teamsherman

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Thanks to Teamsherman, I think I've managed to post my first pics. If not, Dave you have mail laugh.gif .

user posted image A group shot.

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A really good esky that someone conned off their boss for the day. whistling.gif

All up it was a really good day. Thanks to Mark for organising the day. thumb.gifthumb.gif

Cheers, Cassandra

NOTE: I just added the font to the end of the pic address.

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Anybody know if there is a super violent nasty flu going round at the moment?

I think there must be, that's why i wasn't there sadsmiley02.gif

Looks like you all had such a great day ! woot.gif hope i'm well for the next one blush.gif

Although you all realise of course, that if I'd been there i would've won the boot throw tongue.giflaugh.gif I would've had the height advantage...



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