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Attention Tropheus/Tang Keepers


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Hi all,

I know some of you are already reading it and posting to it but for those who don't know.

There is an Aussie now living in Mpulungu and collecting fish from the lake that is posting on Cichlid-Forum - it is very interesting reading to say the least.

Click here to check it out.



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What an interesting guy,

I noticed the last post was some time ago, has he stopped sending or something, and did he ever get access to us?

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yes that wsa me over there. So much nicer to be "home".

I used to be in The NSWCS...yes...i still have a book ... oops.........and now you found me !! I really did mean to return it but the moving out to the lake and all sort of got in the way.

I wonder if anyone remembers me ? Its been 6 years now. Oh well. time flys when you having fun huh.

strange to being looking at names like Parramatta, Greystanes , St Andrews etc.......takes me back......

Will come over tonight , right now its almost midday here, many things to do....



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G'day Mark!

Glad to see u have become a member of the ACE Forum!! U r most welcome to share your thoughts and experience here! Maybe u should give us a little information about what u do for a living and the experiences u have had for those who have been under a rock these last few days!


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Pardon me , but i'm not sure who runs this board ..the chap who posted over at cichlid forums ?. I would gladly do smething for the club as things go forward. Hopefully we can get setup with Nigel. Either Toby or myself will get fish in sooner or later, perhaps both. that would be good for the hobby in Australia.

from what i've read so far here, it seems wild fish are coming in now ? When i was trying to get tropheus there back in the late 90's none were around and no one wanted to bring them in, which i could never understand. anyway....

As you may know i was a memeber of NSWSC. do they still meet at morebank ?

I wonder how many of the old faces are still around ...Peter Gallagher ? for example. How about St.George Aquariums ? Probaly much has changed., time has moved on.

There was a fellow done the south coast i used to chat with , was it Bega or somewhere there...cant remember his name. hey i've been out of touch..Mpulungu is not exactly laid on with communications !!

If yo haven't go through the forums at cichlids-forum.com....

many posts there from me. Look under tropheus....Golden kalambo , katoto threads. X.red princess and wild caught tricoti under teh tanganyikan section..maybe you can just search my name to se my threads ? i dont know..just thought of that one.

still only 1.00 pm here in London., things to do and its bloody cold !! I know these guys up in sweden and canda and places are used to it but we are not !!!

I wonder what Sydney looks like these days.

C-Ya Later


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Hectic day here iNl London,. Getting ready to go back to the lake , so many things to do and organise.

can you guys give me some feed back on whats goin on at home ? Are tangs popular these days ? Malawis more so ? the hobby up or down etc. Close to my heart , waht about tropheus keeping ?

its weird to ask these questions about Australia !!! but i 've been out for quite a while.

should have newws this week on gettig connected out there, that will be good.

Well leave it to you, another busy day tomorrow.



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Hi Mark

‘Twas me that put the post on the Yank forum. (Nice forum BTW)

Good on you Mark. As I said there is no obligation there but anything that puts the members in the driving seat is great as far as I'm concerned.

Yep we are getting wild caught stuff, mainly from the likes of Nigel who has done a great job for the hobby.

The society still meets at Moorebank at the high school.

Doug Gow has stood down from the Editors job after many years of doing the magazine, that job is now Dave Midgley's. Dave has revamped the mag and is the guy that runs the Sydney Cichlid Page AKA SCP and was in fact, one of the founders of this forum.

Albert Myer has resigned due to ill health. Chris Davis AKA Link2hell and Kevin Sorensen AKA Sorroz and Anita AKA Anita_ozfish are all still around but Anita is living on the dark side now days (Perth). I guess you would also know the Wright’s, George & Charlie and their BIL Bruce Moore are all still attending.

We don’t see Peter Gallagher much anymore but Hugh comes to help out on the major auctions.

The Guy in Bega is Dominick Ruggerio. Dom is doing well. He put a bore into his property and it pumps water out at Lake Tanganyika conditions (lucky bugger). The big news on Dom is that he got hold of some wild tricotti and was the first to breed them in Oz. Ad and Jeff got him to do an article and they published it in the Cichlid News Magazine.

The club has hosted Ad on 2 visits to date, which has been great for the members.

NSWCS has it's own web site now, follow this link. I hear that the Webmaster is a good bloke wink.gifLOL.gif

Popular fish is in this order




I think this is mainly because the Malawi are imported more easily than the others and are relatively easy to breed. Tanganyikans are here but still need to pick up. The only way that will happen is if we get more stock. There are lots of people not aware that they have Tangs. I have heard that some lelupi owners are suprised to find that they are not from Malawi but Tanganyika LOL.gif but that is why the society and this forum are here I guess, to help enlighten them. Sadly the Americans are not as lively as the Africans, most beginners have trouble with the aggression levels and the tank space requirements but you do see some of them wondering what to do with their Convict over population problems LOL.gif

Tropheus are here and we get the occasional boost (Nigle) in stock. There have also been some fresh blood come in. One of our members, Jim (I can't recall his user name) has great Tropheus and Aline has good stock also.

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Dave I did bring in some wild caught Lufubu a few years ago. There was 12 if I remember I think only 6 survived the trip. A guy in QLD got them to put with a colany of tank breed ones he already had. He does come on to the forum sometimes.

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AdelaideAnt here from Adelaide laugh.gif (Der). The market is different here in Adelaide mainly because the hobby is stuck in its infancy as there are only a handfull of people who really get stuck into the hobby. We are riddled with hybrids and the more common type Malawis (yellow labs etc) and Tangs (Frontosa, N.brichardi). Americans seem to be equally popular here but are limited on species again due to lack of interest. Tropheus are finding there way into Adelaide but only tropheus duboisi *maswa* and a hand full of other species. I'm into featherfins myself, i am growing up a colony of Cyathpharynx Foai *Sumbu* but there are new species of feather fin coming into Aus due to the efforts of Nigel once again.

Anthony cool.gif

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Hey Nigel,

Were those Lufubu from Airfish? Were they as nice as the ones Mark catches (if u have read his thread)? Do u know if the guy who has a colony has any fry to sell?

Hey Mark,

What species of Tropheus do u currently have in your holding ponds?


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I think the popularity in tangs is increasing, as more become avaliable but soo many are still not importable, but can still be found if you look hard enough, up here in queensland i think there is a secret underground tang comunity (secret handshakes, passwords, 3am meetings etc, lol) Also getting Qulaity fish from NSW can be a bit difficult as not everyone is willing to ship up here..pitty..Would really love some wildcaught tropheus, featherfins and sandsifters...

I would love some of the F1 tropheus getting abouts.

Hopefully You and NIgel can hook something up in regards to geting some of those increadible southern tangs into the country. gotta love those Red Tropheus! wub.gif

It must be increadible to simply take a quick walk down the bank, and have a snorkle in the best water body in the world!

have to say i am kinda geleous..

Thanks for increadible storys you are supplying to the various forums it is great to read.

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Dave the Lufubu did come from Airfish I must admit I was not that impressed with them and neither was the guy that got them. Lets hope the ones from Zambia are better.

I have not given up hope of bringing direct from Africa. I am still working on it and should have most of the problems sorted in the next few weeks I hope. It will take some time to get them from Mark but with his help once he is back there things should start to happen. As I also have Toby Veall helping me in Zambia as well so between the both of them I have no dought things will happen.

So all I can say for now is I will make it happen or die in the process. laugh.gif

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An aussie living at the lake catching wild Tangs - doesnt get any better than that.

Great to hear from u Mark - Awesome job u have there mate thumb.gif

Some T. Golden Kalambos would be nice to get into oz or some Petrochromis species.

Hope u keep on posting here Mark


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