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Pseudotropheus in Aust


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I have been through the classifieds (FS) and the Breeders Register to find which Pseudotropheus species are available in Australia. This is the list that I have come up with. If I have missed any or made any mistakes could you let me know.

Pseudotropheus acei

Pseudotropheus acei 'Msulu Point'

Pseudotropheus acei ‘Tanzania’

Pseudotropheus acei 'Ngara'

Pseudotropheus sp. acei ‘Ngara White Tail’

Pseudotropheus demasoni

Pseudotropheus demasoni 'Pombo Rocks'

Pseudotropheus elongatus 'Likoma Island'

Pseudotropheus elongatus ‘Chewere’

Pseudotropheus elongatus 'Mpanga'

Pseudotropheus elongatus 'Neon Spot' (Hai Reef)

Pseudotropheus elongatus ‘Spot'

Pseudotropheus flavus

Pseudotropheus kingsizei

Pseudotropheus kingsizei 'Lupingu Gold'

Pseudotropheus perspicax

Pseudotropheus perspicax ‘Orange Cap’

Pseudotropheus msobo

Pseudotropheus saulosi

Pseudotropheus socolofi

Pseudotropheus sp. 'Polit'

Pseudotropheus sp. ‘Daktari’

These three were listed but I am uncertain if they are new names or they have been renamed and placed in another genus.

Pseudotropheus aurora (i.e. Metriaclima aurora)

Pseudotropheus livingstoni

Pseudotropheus hajomaylandi (i.e. Metriaclima hajomaylandi)



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pseudotropheus callainos

pseudotropheus elongatus 'Bee'

pseudotropheus elongatus 'Chailosi'

pseudotropheus elongatus 'Masimbwe'

Also, I think pseudotropheus elongatus 'Neon spot' and pseudotropheus elongatus 'spot' are the same fish.

Also you left off the tropheops species (not sure if they count).

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Pseudotropheus / Metriaclima / Maylandia are all the same rolleyes.gif

Look up pseudotropheus vs metriaclima vs maylandia on the net and see what you come up with.

Here is one small article:


As for your list, you've named some fish twice and missed a few. I'm in a rush now, but after others have put in their 2c, I'll try and add some.

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I have listed them as they were listed on the forum. I agree with Mike and Andy that a few have been duplicated. I tried to keep the list as true to what has been listed on the forum.


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A very interesting article. I have noticed from my readings that species have been changing genus over many years. I did not realise that there is still debate over whether the genus they are being placed is a valid one.

Is that why I can not locate Metriaclima and Maylandia on the species list for NSWCS. If that is the case could I say that here in Australia are Metriaclima and Maylandia not generally recognised as a genus. Whilst there is provisions for sub-genus within Pseudotropeus, the confusion over which one to use prevents the use of these sub-genus.


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Hi Gerard,

I think I can add a few to your list. I'm pretty sure all of these are here:

Pseudotropheus barlowi

Pseudotropheus crabro

Pseudotropheus estherae

Pseudotropheus greshakei

Pseudotropheus lombardoi

Pseudotropheus "Msobo" (Magunga) – I think it’s the only type we have here.

Pseudotropheus tropheops – various types here?

Pseudotropheus zebra "Red Top Black Bar"


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Thanks everyone

The response was greater than I had expected. I will add them to the list that I have compiled. If there is any more could you let me know. I think I will be doing at lot more reading to get my head around the different species. It has raised the issue about how you go about bringing on some of the "new stuff" as Mike so eloquently put.


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Hi Guys,

I believe these are here,

Pseudotropheus sp. 'acei' yellowtail Luwala reef

Pseudotropheus sp. 'acei' yellowtail Msuli

Pseudotropheus sp. 'acei' yellowtail Tanzania

Pseudotropheus sp. 'acei' whitetail Ngara

Pseudotropheus crabro

Pseudotropheus demasoni

Pseudotropheus flavus

Pseudotropheus fuscus

Pseudotropheus minutus

Pseudotropheus saulosi

Pseudotropheus socolofi

Pseudotropheus sp.'daktari'

Pseudotropheus sp.'elongatus 'bee'

Pseudotropheus sp.'elongatus chailosi'

Pseudotropheus sp.'elongatus chewere'

Pseudotropheussp.'elongatuschisumulu' Pseudotropheus sp.'elongatus gold bar

Pseudotropheus sp. 'elongatus masimbwe'

Pseudotropheus sp. 'elongatus mpanga'

Pseudotropheus sp. 'elongatus ornatus'

Pseudotropheus sp. 'elongatus slab'

Pseudotropheus sp. 'elongatus spot'

Pseudotropheus sp. 'perspicax'

Pseudotropheus sp. 'polit'

Pseudotropheus sp. 'pulpicans'

Pseudotropheus sp. 'pulpicans lupingu'

Pseudotropheus sp 'ornatus'

Pseudotropheus sp 'zebra long pelvic'

Metriaclima aurora

Metriaclima barlowi

Metriaclima callainos

Metriaclima elegans

Metriaclima estherae

Metriaclima greshakei albino

Metriaclima greshakei

Metriaclima hajomaylandi

Metriaclima livingstonii

Metriaclima lombardoi

Metriaclima zebra 'albino'

Metriaclima zebra 'black bar'

Metriaclima zebra 'blue blotch'

Metriaclima zebra 'orange blotch'

Metriaclima zebra 'red dorsal'

Metriaclima sp 'charo gold'

Metriaclima sp 'msobo'

You guys can call them whatever you like. zipit.gif


Brett woot.gif

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Hi Guys -

Just to summarise the Metriaclima/Maylandia/Pseudotropheus arguement.

Maylandia is the correct name - it has precedence. It's that simple.

Ad Konings has (somewhat weirdly) followed the lead of an american research group and gone with Metriaclima (mores the pity for the poor confused hobbyist). Dr. Michael Oliver of www.malawicichlids.com says Maylandia is correct. He's got a PhD in cichlid taxonomy (hes worked on malawi cichlids) and has named several cichlids(notably rusties). He knows more about taxonomy (and the rules etc) than most scientists and I'm thinking in this he's correct.

In saying that though I think Pseudotropheus and Metriaclima can be used as synonyms (as most ppl know what we are talking about after all).

For those wanting more see Michael's article: http://malawicichlids.com/mw01012.htm

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you had to let the pelvic story out didn't ya brett? now everyone wants something they wont get wink.gif

thing is they have been here a year or so, maybe a little longer so whoever has them would probably have the 1st and 2nd generation stuff breeding by now. can anyone say orange cap perspicax?

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I think that Elongatus ruarwe and elongatus 'neon spot' could be two different fish. I have read that they are confused with one another becasue ruarwe's trade name is elongatus '(neon) jewel spot' and elongutus 'spot' is commonly called elongatus 'neon spot'. raurwe has some yellow in the tail and looks quite different.


on that link notice how there is elongatus 'spot' and also 'ruarwe'

Here is a pic of ruarwe:


elongatus 'spot':






EDIT:hmmmmm I just saw this too:


Tis a bit confusing!

Could be the same fish different varient within a locality.

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This is just a guess but i know some of them come from Hai reef, which may or may not be in ruarwe. maybe the one shown with the yellow in the tail comes from another place possibly another reef or bay in ruarwe? Again, this is just a guess.

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