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Help me and Jester identify this spider


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The spider is still alive Andy. Thats one of my many party tricks spured on by close to a bottle of bacardi.l blink.gif At first i thought it was a huntsman but it had i white stipe on his back and only 6 legs. I've never seen anyyhing like it.

P.S Only been biten once in 10 years of spider swallowing. woot.gif

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ohmy.gif Freaks ohmy.gif Wierdos


There was an old lady who swallowed a fly.... i dont know why she swallowed a fly. Perhaps she'll die.


Great pics guys

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6 legs? it cant be a spider

or it could be a mutated spider

a cross from a huntsmen and a grass hopper ohmy.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

maybe its those type of spiders that has the 2 front legs shorten

could we get a closeup of the spider? top view and front view please

we might find out what it is with a closeup

p.s. I love spiders woot.gifwoot.gifwoot.gif

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Whoever wants the videos put your email addy in a reply and ill send it off once there are a few emails to send to.. Dont want to send 5mb to individiaual address's.

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Didnt see the vid, But I woud believe it was possible. Huntsmans are not aggresive and take alot to get to the point of biteing. They would much rather run away, I into a corner or someones mouth woot.gif .

As for the 6 legs. Spiders commonly loose legs in fights or when they have an escape from prey.

Looking at Jesters eyes there was alot of booze consumed before that stunt !! thumb.gif

nice party trick thumb.gifwoot.gifthumb.gif

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