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Auction to help out the Tsunami victims


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HI All,

Seeing how the Tsunami destroy alot of people lives, home and love one. I want to donate some of my fishes to;

1. a auction advocated by the moderate,adminsitrator.

Whatever money is raise they can paid it to the moderator which they will forward to a charties group e.g care aus, world vision etc..

and they can pick up the fishes from my place

2. Or i can sell the fishes in the classfied and donate whatever i get from selling the fishes

these are the fishes i m donating:

1. a 30cm gibbiceps

2. 2 pair of breeding Geophagus bradybranchus aka Geophagus surinamensis

hope this little thing will make a different

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A very worthy idea indeed.

Decide whether you'd rather sell them or auction them, and PM me. I will set up the auction for you so that it meets the ACE rules.

There are a number of charities accepting donations to help those suffering from this huge tragedy, perhaps the best thing would be for you to accept the money from whoever picks up your fish, then donate it yourself to one of these charities.

Otherwise, I am going to make my own donation through my work. I'd be happy to donate the money for you if you were unable to do it for some reason. You'd just need to get the money to me somehow.

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If we are going to have an auction I'd be happy to donate some fish.

I could probably spare a breeding pair of blue rams and a couple of bags of clown loaches (say two bags worth with 5 in each around the 5cm mark)

I've also got some contacts at CARE Australia if we are looking for a charity to donate to.

Just an idea

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I agree...terrible losses occuring in many countries through this disaster sadsmiley02.gif I sponser a young girl in Africa and it is very rewarding thumb.gif . Perhaps a few more people over there could hop on board and we could get a super auction underway...

merjo smile.gif

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Emp1re's auction is now running in the classifieds forum. Well done emp1re clap.gif

I am happy for us to run a few more of these fundraiser auctions if there is enough demand.

If anyone else would like to do something similar please contact me.

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Ducksta has also donated some fish for the cause. Check the classifieds for his auction.

And we have another auction lined up to begin later this week clap.gif

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Hi Guys -

I'm happy to donate a bag of Kiku brichardi juveniles (2-3cm) and a bag of P. elongatus 'Likoma Is' juveniles (5 ea). It's up to the admins if they'd like me to split it etc or auction it together

Bags to be picked up from the NSWCS this saturday ala other auctions.

Dave aka

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A big thank you to all those who have donated fish for these auctions. We now have 9 auctions running in the classifieds forum, and they all finish on Friday night.

Dig deep and happy bidding thumb.gif

If anyone else would like to contribute please contact me smile.gif

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I've just realised a slight problem.....

The auctions close on Friday night, and I am assuming a lot of the winners will be collecting their fish on Saturday night at the meeting. That makes it pretty hard to pay AND get a receipt in that time.

I have just called Oxfam (1800034034) and they confirm that for donations made over the phone a receipt is posted 7-10 days later. That wont help our situation blush.gif

So here's the options for those intending to do the deals at the meeting...

1. You can donate to Oxfam at any Westpac branch, and Oxfam tell me some of the branches are open on Saturdays. You will need to check if one near you is open on saturdays. They will give you a receipt on the spot. Other charities will have similar arrangements with banks too.

2. If you have netbanking facilities you can transfer direct to Oxfam, and I am sure other charities will have the same arrangement.

For Oxfam, transfer funds to "Oxfam community aid abroad" BSB 033048 Account 213583 (it is a westpac account). Your netbanking facility should allow you to print a receipt of your transfer.

3. Confirm with the owner of the fish if they are happy to accept cash from you, and make a donation on your behalf later. Obviously confirm this with the owner of the fish BEFORE you win the auction.

4. Arrange to meet the owner of the fish at the meeting BEFORE it starts, and I am happy to attend the exchange. If you give the money to me, I will donate it to one of the charities on your behalf.

5. Arrange to meet before the meeting, and while you are together you could ring on your mobile and make the donation in front of the owner of the fish.

6. Arrange with the owner of the fish (again, before the auction ends) to meet somewhere else. Pick the fish up from their place during the week if it suits them, that way you will have plenty of time to obtain a receipt.

Please remember for options 3 and 4, donations over $5 are tax deductable so if you want a receipt for the tax man you will need to make the donation yourself.

If anyone has questions about any of this, ask away. Please take the time to contact the owner of the fish you are bidding on before the auction ends. They have been good enough to donate the fish so try to make things easy for them smile.gif

And lastly, dont be bashful smile.gif Head over to the classfieds forum and bid away. This is a good chance for us to all realise how fortunate we are and help those who have recently been to hell and back thumb.gif

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Cant you donate over the net? They would have to give you a recepit straight away I would think. Or Most bank take donations. I know some of the smaller bank and westpac are open on saturdays

EDIT: or next time I will read all your post Baz before I reply blush.gifblush.gif

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Thank you all for your contributions, both those who donated fish and also to those who bought them.

Special mention should go to emp1re who came up with the idea in the first place thumb.gif

You have all raised $1280 for charity, to help the tsunami victims clap.gifclap.gifclap.gif

Feel free to contact me if anyone has issues or questions with payment.

Thanks for all the support smile.gif

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