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It is definately not Synodontus multipunctus (Commonly call the cukoo or cookoo cat). This is where common names stuff everybody up. Quite a number of Synodontus are "cookoo" spawners!

S multipunctatus have larger spots on the head, a black blotch in the dorsal fin, and black bars in both lobes of the caudal fin even as juviniles.

I suspect you have a young S njassae (note....S nyassae is a wrong spelling even though pronounced the same).

Yes you have a cukoo cat (not a multi), no you were not ripped off, you probably got a bargain as S multipunctatus are being bred locally in fair numbers and can be got for under $30.

S njassae have not got to the "frequently bred locally status" yet.


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i did a bit of a deal with my lfs i got 2 of these(both around 10cm)we vented them and i dont know which is which, but the vents were quite different from each other i swapped some venusta fry,they worked out at $50 each.(were marked at $90 each) did i do good?

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No one is pointing fingers Andrea, I have even seen wrong spelling on W/Sale price lists blush.gif

The question is, did RDM get ripped off??..

IMO no!! S multipunctatus are bred in reasonable numbers here in Aus, are always available, if you know where to sourse them, around the $20 mark.

S njassae on the other hand only appear a couple of times a year on the import lists and are considerably more expensive.


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No one is pointing fingers Andrea, I have even seen wrong spelling on W/Sale price lists  blush.gif

The question is,  did RDM get ripped off??..

IMO no!! S multipunctatus are bred in reasonable numbers here in Aus, are always available, if you know where to sourse them, around the $20 mark.

S njassae on the other hand only appear a couple of times a year on the import lists and are considerably more expensive.


What other synos are " cuckoo " breeders like the multipunctatus and the S njassae ?

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The petricola will cuckoo as well as scatter eggs.

I've read stories of people setting up a scatter pot for multies successfully as well.

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