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OT: Java download


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tongue.gif I don't use either of those:lol

But generally, when I encounter this kind of problem, I make sure Java, javascript and cookies are enabled in the browser settings and (if you are running any) disable any firewalling software (just for troubleshooting)

Other than that, I'm out of ideas.

What are the symptoms?

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Ok, try this.

Log out.

Close down IE.

Flush your browser cache (delete cached files in your browser settings somewhere)

(Do you remember your ACE password?)

If that still fails, take a screen shot of the error(if possible) and post it up.

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Okay, I disabled Java (cos it seemed like a good idea) restarted the pooter and then enabled it again and it appears to be working...see this is why my degrees are in geology and environmental science and not IT rolleyes.gif Of course no-one is in chat now but I'll see if it plays for me tomorrow smile.gif Thanks everyone...

merjo smile.gif

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